共 104 个单词
Shanghai-Girls-上海女孩相关的的单词有【sawhorse】【scratcher】【Chantilly】【backrest】【chop suey】【balsa】【talking-to】【mah-jongg】【bastardization】【afterworld】【teakwood】【deco】【raglan】【rear end】【besprinkle】【rearmament】【plumper】【Porte Cochere】【oleo】【cooly】【bok】【flyboy】【borscht】【doorjamb】【rugosa】【jitterbug】【frappe】【jook】【froufrou】【nightstool】【night soil】【karst】【godown】【grog】【feebleminded】【flatbed】【latticework】【hookworm】【chow mein】【daikon】等。
sawhorsen.锯木架;英英释义 sawhorse[ 's:h:s ]n.a framework for holding wood that is being sawed同义词:horsesawbuckbuck
详细解释scratchern.抓扒者,抓扒工具;英英释义 scratcher[ 'skrt ]n.a workman who uses a tool for scratchinga person who scratches...
详细解释backrestn.(家具的)靠背; 变形 复数:backrests 英英释义 backrest[ 'bkrest ]n.a support that you can lean against while ...
详细解释chop sueyn.(中餐)炒杂碎;英英释义 chop suey [ 'tp'su:i ]n.meat or fish stir-fried with vegetables (e.g., celery, onion...
详细解释balsan.轻木(用于制造模型); 变形 复数:balsas 英英释义 balsa[ 'bls ]n.strong lightweight wood of the balsa tree used e...
详细解释talking-ton.申斥,责备;英英释义 talking-to[ 't:ki,tu: ]n.a lengthy rebuke同义词:lecturespeechtalking to
详细解释mah-jonggn.麻将牌;英英释义 mah-jongg[ 'm:'d ]n.Chinese game played by 4 people with 144 tiles同义词:mahjong
详细解释bastardizationn.认定为私生子;英英释义 bastardization[ ,bstdai'zein ]n.declaring or rendering bastard"the annulment of t...
详细解释afterworldn.阴间;阴世;后代;后世英英释义 afterworld[ ':ftw:ld, 'f- ]n.the place where you are after you die
详细解释teakwoodn.柚木;英英释义 teakwood[ 'ti:kwud ]n.hard strong durable yellowish-brown wood of teak trees; resistant to inse...
详细解释decon.装饰,装饰品;英英释义 deco[ deu'ku ]n.a style of design that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s; marked by styliz...
详细解释rear endn.后部,臀部;英英释义 rear end n.the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on同义词:buttocksnatesarsebutt...
详细解释besprinklevt.洒,布满; 变形 过去式:besprinkled过去分词:besprinkled现在分词:besprinkling第三人称单数:besprinkles 英英...
详细解释rearmamentn.重整军备,改良装备;英英释义 rearmament[ ,ri:':mmnt ]n.the act of arming again"he opposed the rearmament of ...
详细解释Porte Cochere释义车辆门道;英英释义 Porte Cochere n.a carriage entrance passing through a building to an enclosed courty...
详细解释oleon.人造黄油,人造奶酪;原汁;英英释义 oleo[ 'uliu ]n.a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitu...
详细解释coolyn.苦力;英英释义 cooly[ 'ku:li ] offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer同义词:coolie
详细解释bok释义[人名] 博克;[地名] [巴布亚新几内] 博克;英英释义 BokBok is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以...
详细解释borschtn.罗宋汤(俄罗斯甜菜浓汤);英英释义 borscht[ b:t ]n.a Russian soup usually containing beet juice as a foundation...
详细解释jitterbugn. 图象不稳定;跳吉特巴舞的人;容易紧张的人;爵士乐迷vi. 跳吉特巴舞[ 过去式 jitterbugged 过去分词 jitterbugged ...
详细解释frappen.果汁刨冰,冰冻饮料;adj.冰镇的,冰冻过的;英英释义 frappe[ fr'pei ]n.liqueur poured over shaved icethick milksha...
详细解释jookn.闪避,躲藏;英英释义 jook[ du:k ]n.a Chinese rice gruel eaten for breakfast同义词:congeea small roadside establis...
详细解释karstn.石灰岩地区常见的地形;喀斯特;英英释义 KARSTKilometer-square Area Radio Synthesis Telescope (KARST) is a Chinese ...
详细解释feeblemindedadj.无决断力的;精神薄弱的;低能的;意志薄弱的英英释义 feebleminded[ 'fi:bl'maindid ]adj.retarded in intelle...
详细解释flatbedn.有平台可装货的卡车(拖车); 变形 复数:flatbeds 英英释义 flatbed[ 'flt,bed ]n.freight car without permanent si...
详细解释latticeworkn.格子;棂;英英释义 latticework[ 'ltisw:k ]n.framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of ...
详细解释hookwormn.钩虫;钩虫病;英英释义 hookworm[ 'hukw:m ]n.parasitic bloodsucking roundworms having hooked mouth parts to fas...