共 74 个单词
taggern.附加物;英英释义 tagger[ 't ]n.someone who assigns labels to the grammatical constituents of textual mattersomeo...
详细解释classifiern.分类者,分类器;英英释义 classifier[ 'klsifai ]n.a person who creates classificationsa word or morpheme used...
详细解释nestern.试验筛组的单位筛;英英释义 nester[ 'nest ]n.someone who settles lawfully on government land with the intent to a...
详细解释crawlern.爬行者,爬行动物; 变形 复数:crawlers 英英释义 crawler[ 'kr:l ]n.a person who tries to please someone in order...
详细解释fundamentalsn.原理;基本原则,基本法则( fundamental的名词复数);英英释义 fundamentals[ ,fnd'mentlz ]n.principles from wh...
详细解释teardownn.拆卸;英英释义 TeardownA teardown refers to a process in which a real estate company or individual buys an exi...
详细解释serializationn.连载长篇; 变形 复数:serializations 英英释义 serialization[ ,sirilai'zein,-li'z- ]n.publication in seria...
详细解释concurrencyn.并发(性);英英释义 concurrency[ kn'krnsi ]n.agreement of results or opinions同义词:concurrenceacting tog...
详细解释peeween.矮小的人或东西;adj.矮小的;英英释义 peewee[ 'pi:wi: ]n.disparaging terms for small people同义词:runtshrimphalf...
详细解释tesseractn.立方体的四维模拟,超正方体;英英释义 TesseractTesseract (often stylized as TesseracT) are a British progressi...
详细解释listern.制表人,造册者,(装撒种器的双壁犁);英英释义 lister[ 'list ]n.English surgeon who was the first to use antisep...
详细解释instantiatevt.例示;英英释义 instantiate[ in'stnieit ]v.represent by an instance"This word instantiates the usage that t...
详细解释externn.走读生,走读医学研究生;adj.外(面)的,外来的;英英释义 extern[ 'ekst:n, ik'st:n ]n.a nonresident doctor or med...
详细解释delimitern.定界符,分隔符;英英释义 DelimiterA delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the bou...
详细解释tuplen.元组,数组;英英释义 TupleIn mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy, a tuple is an ordered li...
详细解释paginationn.页码,页码标注;编页码;标注页码;英英释义 pagination[ ,pdi'nein ]n.the system of numbering pages同义词:fol...
详细解释moduloprep.以…为模;模数;英英释义 ModuloThe word modulo (Latin, with respect to a modulus of ___) is the Latin ablativ...
详细解释colorimetricadj.色度的比色的;英英释义 colorimetric[ 'klri'metrik ]adj.of or relating to colorimetry同义词:colorimetric...
详细解释overwritev.写在…上面,写得过多;n.推销佣金; 变形 过去式:overwrote过去分词:overwritten现在分词:overwriting第三人称单...
详细解释exponentiationn.求幂;取幂;英英释义 exponentiation[ 'ekspu,neni'ein ]n.the process of raising a quantity to some assign...
详细解释sandmann.睡眠的精灵; 变形 复数:sandmen 英英释义 sandman[ 'sndmn ] elf in fairy stories who sprinkles sand in child...
详细解释Altairn.牵牛星;英英释义 Altair[ l't ]n.double star 15.7 light years from Earth; the brightest star in the Aquila conste...
详细解释schedulern.调度程序,日程安排程序;英英释义 scheduler[ 'edju:l, -du:-, 'skedu:-, -du- ] hardware that arranges...
详细解释filenamen.文件名;英英释义 filename[ 'fail,neim ]n.(computer science) the name given to a computer file in order to dist...
详细解释traversaln.横越,横断物,(横向)往返移动;英英释义 traversal[ 'trv:sl ]n.taking a zigzag path on skis同义词:traversetr...
详细解释retryv.再试,再审; 变形 过去式:retried过去分词:retried现在分词:retrying第三人称单数:retries 英英释义 retry[ ,ri:'tr...
详细解释printableadj.可印刷的;英英释义 printable[ 'printbl ] for publication because free of material that is morally or...
详细解释daemonn.(希腊神话中)半人半神的精灵;守护神;[计]守护进程;英英释义 daemon[ 'di:mn ] of the evil spirits of tradit...
详细解释bitmapn.位图; 变形 复数:bitmaps过去式:bitmapped现在分词:bitmapping第三人称单数:bitmaps 英英释义 bitmap[ 'bit,mp ]n....
详细解释recursionn.递归,递归式;递推;英英释义 recursion[ ri'k:n, -n ]n.(mathematics) an expression such that each term is gene...