共 81 个单词
PTE-79-PLUS-真题词汇相关的的单词有【ruminant】【everest】【unrivalled】【larval】【himalayas】【implicity】【baby boomer】【unsympathetic】【roti】【outwork】【pangaea】【undiagnosed】【squeezing】【supermassive】【utah】【wyoming】【refectory】【eardrum】【kinetics】【navicular】【radiative】【redact】【habitant】【oceanologist】【seat belt】【kilowatt】【tang】【rickets】【Jordan】【Vancouver】【Malaysia】【Nepal】【bar code】【Alaska】【triassic】【pupa】【Indonesia】【Singapore】【vehicular】【phenomena】等。
ruminantn.反刍动物;adj.反刍的;沉思默想的;英英释义 ruminant[ 'ru:minnt ]n.any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals ha...
详细解释everestn.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰);英英释义 everest[ 'evrist ]n.a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tib...
详细解释unrivalledadj.无敌的;无对手的;无双的;无比的英英释义 unrivalled[ n'raivld ]adj.eminent beyond or above comparison同义词...
详细解释larvaladj.幼虫的,幼虫状态的;英英释义 larval[ 'l:vl ]adj.immature of its kind; especially being or characteristic of im...
详细解释himalayasn.喜马拉雅山脉;英英释义 himalayas[ ,him'leiz ]n.a mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between In...
详细解释baby boomern.A person born during a baby boom, esp. one born in the U.S. between 1946 and 1965。;婴儿潮时期出生的人; 变...
详细解释unsympatheticadj.不同情的,冷漠无情的;adv.不同情地,冷漠无情地;英英释义 unsympathetic[ 'n,simp'etik ]adj.not sympathet...
详细解释rotin.烤肉,炙肉;adj.烤的;英英释义 RotiRoti is an album by Gurdas Maan, released on August 3, 2013. Music is composed ...
详细解释outworkn.外垒,在屋外的作业或工作;vt.在工作上胜过;英英释义 outwork[ ,aut'w:k, 'autw:k ]n.subsidiary defensive structur...
详细解释pangaean.[海洋] 泛大陆;盘古大陆;英英释义 pangaea[ pn'di: ]n.(plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all t...
详细解释undiagnosedadj.未确诊的,尚未找出原因的;英英释义 undiagnosed[ 'n,daig'nuzd ]adj.eluding diagnosis"undiagnosed disease"
详细解释utahn.犹他州;英英释义 utah[ 'ju:t: ]n.a state in the western United States; settled in 1847 by Mormons led by Brigham Y...
详细解释wyomingn.怀俄明州(美国州名);英英释义 wyoming[ wai'umi ]n.a state in the western United States; mountainous in the wes...
详细解释refectoryn.(修道院、学院等的)食堂,餐厅; 变形 复数:refectories 英英释义 refectory[ ri'fektri ]n.a communal dining-ha...
详细解释eardrumn.鼓膜,耳膜; 变形 复数:eardrums 英英释义 eardrum[ 'idrm ]n.the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound同义词...
详细解释kineticsn.动力学;英英释义 kinetics[ ki'netiks, kai- ]n.the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause mot...
详细解释navicularadj.舟状的,船状的;n.舟骨;英英释义 navicular[ n'vikjul ]n.the largest wrist bone on the thumb side同义词:sca...
详细解释redactvt.编辑,编写;英英释义 redact[ ri'dkt ]n.someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication同义词:redac...
详细解释habitantn.居住者; 变形 复数:habitants 英英释义 habitant[ 'hbitnt ]n.a person who inhabits a particular place同义词:in...
详细解释seat beltn.座位安全带;座椅固定带; 变形 复数:seat belts 英英释义 seat belt n.a safety belt used in a car or plane to h...
详细解释kilowattn.[电]千瓦; 变形 复数:kilowatts 英英释义 kilowatt[ 'kiluwt ]n.a unit of power equal to 1000 watts同义词:kW
详细解释ricketsn.软骨病,佝偻病,驼背;英英释义 rickets[ 'rikits ]n.childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunl...
详细解释Vancouver释义范库弗峰(北美洲);温哥华(加拿大一港市);英英释义 Vancouver[ vn'ku:v ]n.English navigator remembered for...
详细解释Malaysia释义马来西亚;马来群岛;英英释义 Malaysia[ m'lei; m'leizi ]n.a constitutional monarchy in southeastern Asia on B...
详细解释Nepaln.尼泊尔(南亚国家);英英释义 Nepal[ ni'p:l; -'p:l ]n.a small landlocked Asian country high in the Himalayas betwe...
详细解释bar coden.条形码; 变形 复数:bar codes 英英释义 bar code [ 'b:kud ]n.code consisting of a series of vertical bars of va...
详细解释Alaskan.美国阿拉斯加州; 变形 复数:Alaskas 英英释义 Alaska[ 'lsk ]n.a state in northwestern North America; the 49th sta...
详细解释triassic释义三叠期;三迭纪;英英释义 triassic[ trai'sik ]n.from 230 million to 190 million years ago; dinosaurs, marine ...
详细解释pupan.蛹; 变形 复数:pupae 英英释义 pupa[ 'pju:p ] insect in the inactive stage of development (when it is not feed...
详细解释Indonesian.印尼(东南亚岛国);英英释义 Indonesia[ 'indu'ni:zj,- ]n.a republic in southeastern Asia on an archipelago in...
详细解释东南亚国家);英英释义 Singapore[ ,si'p: ]n.the capital of Singapore; one of the world's biggest port...
详细解释vehicularadj.车的,用车辆运载的,作为媒介的;车载式;英英释义 vehicular[ vi:'hikjul ]adj.of or relating to or intended f...