共 580 个单词
O水准精进你的词汇-GCE-O-Level-Ace-Your-Vocabulary相关的的单词有【schnauzer】【semi-detached】【shih tzu】【paper tiger】【backstabber】【skedaddle】【sitting duck】【chirpy】【persevering】【philanderer】【teeny-weeny】【make it snappy】【closeted】【beagle】【ahoy】【defence mechanism】【demoralise】【marooned】【pint-sized】【cold sweat】【cold feet】【eagle-eyed】【compunctious】【galahad】【title deed】【have the last laugh】【conscience-stricken】【elfin】【black humor】【gemologist】【stiff-necked】【strait-laced】【Midas touch】【midshipman】【olive branch】【fire hazard】【bluebeard】【bootlicker】【geriatrician】【get hitched】等。
schnauzern.髯狗(德国种,刚毛浓眉);英英释义 schnauzer[ 'nauz, 'nauts ]n.old German breed of sturdy black or greyish wi...
详细解释semi-detachedadj.(房屋)半独立式的,与他屋共用一墙的;英英释义 semi-detached[ ,semidi'ttt ]adj.attached on one side onl...
详细解释shih tzu释义狮子狗;英英释义 shih tzu n.a Chinese breed of small dog similar to a Pekingese同义词:Shih-Tzu
详细解释paper tigern.纸老虎,外强中干; 变形 复数:paper tigers 英英释义 paper tiger n.the nature of a person or organization th...
详细解释skedaddlen.& vi.逃走; 变形 复数:skedaddles过去式:skedaddled过去分词:skedaddled现在分词:skedaddling第三人称单数:ske...
详细解释sitting duckn.易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象; 变形 复数:sitting ducks 英英释义 sitting duck n.a defenseless victim同义...
详细解释chirpyadj.嚓嚓叫的,快活的,活泼的;英英释义 chirpy[ 't:pi ]adj.(birds or insects) characterized by or tending to chirpc...
详细解释perseveringadj.坚忍的,固执的;v.坚忍,坚持( persevere的现在分词 );英英释义 persevering[ ,p:si'viri ]adj.quietly and st...
详细解释philanderern.爱和女人调情的男人,玩弄女性的男人; 变形 复数:philanderers 英英释义 philanderer[ fi'lndr, f- ]n.a man who...
详细解释teeny-weenyadj.小的;英英释义 teeny-weeny[ 'ti:ni'wi:ni ]adj.(used informally) very small同义词:bittybittieteensyteents...
详细解释closetedadj.秘密交谈的;私下会谈的; 双语释义n.(名词)[C]橱,壁橱 cupboard or small room for storing things[C]〈旧〉 厕所 ...
详细解释beaglen.猎兔犬; 变形 复数:beagles 英英释义 beagle[ 'bi:l ]n.a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound
详细解释ahoyint.喂(招呼远处人的声音);英英释义 AhoyAhoy (spoken ) is a signal word used to signal a ship or boat, stemming fro...
详细解释defence mechanism释义防御机制; 变形 复数:defence mechanisms 英英释义 defence mechanism n.(psychiatry) an unconscious p...
详细解释demoralisevt.使士气低落,使意志消沉;英英释义 demoralise[ di'mrlalz ]v.corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality同...
详细解释maroonedadj.被围困的;孤立无援的;无法脱身的;英英释义 maroonedadj.cut off or left behind"travelers marooned by the bliz...
详细解释pint-sizedadj.小型的,比标准的要小一些的;英英释义 pint-sizedadj.well below average height同义词:pint-sizeruntysawed-of...
详细解释cold sweatn.冷汗; 变形 复数:cold sweats 英英释义 cold sweat n.concurrent perspiration and chill; associated with fear
详细解释cold feetn.信心或勇气的丧失,胆怯;英英释义 cold feet n.timidity that prevents the continuation of a course of action
详细解释eagle-eyedadj.目光锐利的,有眼力的;目光炯炯;英英释义 eagle-eyed[ 'i:l'aid ]adj.capable of seeing to a great distance同...
详细解释galahadn.亚瑟王的圆桌武士之一人,高洁之士;英英释义 galahad[ 'lhd ]n.(Arthurian legend) the most virtuous knight of the ...
详细解释title deedn.所有权证书(尤指地契);税契;英英释义 title deed n.a legal document proving a person's right to property
详细解释elfinadj.小妖精的,像小妖精的;n.小精灵;矮人;淘气鬼;小孩英英释义 elfin[ 'elfin ]adj.suggestive of an elf in strangene...
详细解释black humor释义黑色幽默;英英释义 black humor n.the juxtaposition of morbid and farcical elements (in writing or drama) ...
详细解释stiff-neckedadj.顽固的;英英释义 stiff-necked[ 'stifnekt ]adj.haughtily stubborn"a stiff-necked old Boston Brahmin"
详细解释strait-lacedadj.固守道德观念的,拘谨的;英英释义 strait-laced[ 'streit'leist ]adj.exaggeratedly proper同义词:priggishpr...
详细解释Midas touch释义事事都能赚大钱的本领;英英释义 Midas touch n.an ability to make and manage large amounts of money
详细解释midshipmann.海军学校学生,英国海军少尉的侯补军官; 变形 复数:midshipmen 英英释义 midshipman[ 'midipmn ]n.a temporary ra...
详细解释olive branchn.橄榄枝; 变形 复数:olive branches 英英释义 olive branch n.something offered to an adversary in the hope o...
详细解释bootlickern.拍马屁(者);英英释义 bootlicker[ 'bu:tlik ]n.someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves...
详细解释geriatriciann.老年医学专家,老年病学专家,老人学专家;英英释义 geriatrician[ ,deri'trin ]n.a specialist in gerontology同...