共 44 个单词
New-TOEIC-高分本领书相关的的单词有【back order】【labor union】【due date】【exchange rates】【Call in sick】【catering service】【Post-it】【out of town】【put stress on】【as per】【cannot help doing】【be keen to】【take out a loan】【as a token of】【discourage from】【acclimatize oneself to】【run errands】【trade show】【terms and conditions】【be accompanied by】【small change】【come to terms with】【have yet to】【unemployment rate】【work overtime】【research and development】【report to】【file for】【check with】【feel free to】【irrespective of】【be independent of】【be eligible for】【job vacancy】【in good shape】【dairy products】【compensate for】【keep abreast of】【paid holiday】【be tied up】等。
labor unionn.工会; 变形 复数:labor unions 英英释义 labor union organization of employees formed to bargain with t...
详细解释due date释义到期日,期头,支付日;英英释义 due date n.the date on which a financial obligation must be repaid同义词:mat...
详细解释out of town释义不在城里,在乡下,不在伦敦;英英释义 out of town adj.happening in or being of another town or city同义词:...
详细解释small changen.小面值硬币,零钱,无聊话;小额钱币;零头;英英释义 small change n.a trifling sum of money同义词:chickenfe...
详细解释unemployment rate释义失业率;英英释义 unemployment rate n.the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any giv...
详细解释research and developmentn.(产品等的)研究与开发;英英释义 Research and developmentThe term R&D or research and developm...