共 210 个单词
NAATI三级口译医学篇相关的的单词有【small pox】【oesophagus】【downs】【RSI】【clinical psychologist】【eye patch】【iucd】【methylated spirits】【BCG】【double vision】【cotton wool】【encephalogram】【haematologist】【immunologist】【occupational therapist】【cotton ball】【night blindness】【dropper】【cotton bud】【rheumatology】【non-specific】【mercurochrome】【speech therapist】【radiographer】【genital wart】【overactive】【blurred vision】【dilatation】【intra】【c-section】【physiotherapist】【low calorie】【Pain killer】【hiccups】【choking】【rheumatic】【numbness】【curettage】【enema】【vaginal】等。
small pox释义天花;英英释义 small pox n.a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin e...
详细解释oesophagusn.食管,食道; 变形 复数:oesophaguses 英英释义 oesophagus[ i:'sfs ]n.the passage between the pharynx and the ...
详细解释RSIabbr.repetitive stress injury 反复压力伤害;repetitive strain injury 重复性疲劳伤害;reflected signal indication 反射...
详细解释clinical psychologist释义诊疗心理学家;英英释义 clinical psychologist n.a therapist who deals with mental and emotional ...
详细解释eye patchn.眼罩; 变形 复数:eye patches 英英释义 eye patch n.a protective cloth covering for an injured eye同义词:eyep...
详细解释double vision释义复视觉;英英释义 double vision n.visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects同义词:dip...
详细解释cotton wooln.原棉,棉絮;化妆棉;英英释义 cotton wool n.soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state同义词:c...
详细解释encephalogramn.大脑摄影图;脑造影照片;英英释义 encephalogram[ en'seflrm ]n.a graphical record of electrical activity of...
详细解释haematologistn.血液学学者,血液病学学者;英英释义 haematologist[ ,hem'tldist ]n.a doctor who specializes in diseases of ...
详细解释immunologistn.免疫学者;英英释义 immunologist[ ,imju'nldist ]n.a medical scientist who specializes in immunology
详细解释occupational therapist释义职能治疗师; 变形 复数:occupational therapists 英英释义 Occupational therapistAn occupational...
详细解释night blindnessn.夜盲;雀目;英英释义 night blindness n.inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vi...
详细解释droppern.使滴下的东西,点滴器; 变形 复数:droppers 英英释义 dropper[ 'drp ]n.pipet consisting of a small tube with a va...
详细解释rheumatologyn.风湿病学;英英释义 rheumatology[ ,ru:m'tldi, ,ru- ]n.the branch of medicine dealing with the study and tre...
详细解释non-specificadj.不明确的,非特定的;英英释义 non-specificadj.not caused by a specific agent; used also of staining in ma...
详细解释mercurochromen.水银红药水;英英释义 mercurochrome[ m:'kjurukrum ]n.a mercurial compound applied topically as an antisept...
详细解释speech therapistn.语言治疗师; 变形 复数:speech therapists 英英释义 speech therapist n.a therapist who treats speech de...
详细解释radiographern.放射线技师; 变形 复数:radiographers 英英释义 radiographer[ ,reidi'-rf ]n.a person who makes radiographs
详细解释genital wart释义[医]生殖器疣;英英释义 genital wart n.a small benign wart on or around the genitals and anus同义词:vene...
详细解释overactiveadj.过于活跃的,活跃得不正常的;英英释义 overactive[ ,uv'ktiv ]adj.more active than normal同义词:hyperactive
详细解释blurred vision释义视力模糊,视力障碍;视瞻昏渺;目昏;英英释义 Blurred visionBlurred vision is an ocular symptom.以上来源...
详细解释dilatationn.(中空器官或空洞)扩张;膨胀;扩张过程;膨胀过程英英释义 dilatation[ ,dail'tein, dil- ]n.the state of being ...
详细解释intran.在内,内部;英英释义 IntraIntra is a Norwegian industrial design and manufacturing company.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释c-sectionn.(口)剖腹产;英英释义 c-section[ 'si:,sekn ]n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdom...
详细解释physiotherapistn.理疗医师;理疗学家; 变形 复数:physiotherapists 英英释义 physiotherapist[ ,fiziu'erpist ]n.therapist w...
详细解释Pain killer释义[体]止痛药;英英释义 Pain killer n.a medicine used to relieve pain同义词:analgesicanodynepainkillerpain ...
详细解释numbnessn.无感觉,麻木,惊呆;英英释义 numbness[ 'nmnis ]n.partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body; a s...
详细解释curettagen.刮除术;英英释义 curettage[ kju'retid ] to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the ute...
详细解释eneman.灌肠剂; 变形 复数:enemas 英英释义 enema[ 'enim ]n.injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuatio...