共 40 个单词
LongMan-Elect-朗文版相关的的单词有【silver-plated】【baseball bat】【sociopolitical】【closed down】【deep fry】【stallholder】【figure skater】【quarter-final】【rock pool】【vermicelli】【self-satisfied】【deca】【hemi】【animality】【ennead】【hepta】【morning sickness】【sexagenarian】【milli】【exaction】【triennial】【a must】【tetrachord】【hect】【animalism】【DI】【BMI】【quinquennium】【heptad】【nonagenarian】【tercentenary】【autarch】【hexa】【hop on】【tell someone apart】【take to heart】【interpersonal relationship】【quality time】【social issue】【mountain range】等。
baseball bat释义[医]棒球棒;英英释义 baseball bat n.an implement used in baseball by the batter同义词:lumber
详细解释deep fryn.油炸;英英释义 deep fry [ 'di:p'frai ]v.cook by immersing in fat同义词:french-frydeep-fry
详细解释quarter-finaladj.四分之一决赛的;复赛的;n.复赛; 变形 复数:quarter-finals 英英释义 quarter-final[ 'kw:tfain()l ]n.one ...
详细解释vermicellin.细面条,粉条;挂面;细条面;英英释义 vermicelli[ ,v:mi'seli ]n.pasta in strings thinner than spaghetti
详细解释self-satisfiedadj.沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的;攸;英英释义 self-satisfied[ 'self'stisfaid ]adj.marked by excessive complacen...
详细解释animalityn.动物性,兽性,动物界;英英释义 animality[ ,ni'mlti ]n.the physical (or animal) side of a person as opposed to...
详细解释enneadn.九个一组;英英释义 ennead[ 'enid ]n.the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one同义词:nine9IXninerNina...
详细解释morning sicknessn.孕妇怀孕初期的反应,孕妇晨吐;孕吐;英英释义 morning sickness n.nausea early in the day; a characteris...
详细解释sexagenarianadj.六十岁的;英英释义 sexagenarian[ ,seksdi'nrin ]n.someone whose age is in the sixtiesadj.being from 60 to...
详细解释exactionn.苛求;勒索;强行索要;强索的钱款英英释义 exaction[ i'zkn ]n.act of demanding or levying by force or authority"...
详细解释triennialadj.三年的,每三年一度的;n.三年生植物,三年一次的事物;英英释义 triennial[ trai'enil ]n.the 300th anniversary ...
详细解释tetrachordn.四度音阶,四弦琴;英英释义 TetrachordPolyphonic complex of three tetrachords from early sketch for [[Arnold ...
详细解释hectabbr.hectare 公顷;hectolitre 百升;英英释义 Hect, was a Japanese video game developer and publisher. It was develop...
详细解释animalismn.动物特性,兽性;英英释义 animalism[ 'nimlizm ]n.the doctrine that human beings are purely animal in nature an...
详细解释DIabbr.Data Input 数据输入;英英释义 DiDi is the pinyin romanization of the Chinese surname }} (D).以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释quinquenniumn.五年期间; 变形 复数:quinquenniums 英英释义 quinquennium[ kwi'kwenim, kwin- ]n.a period of five years
详细解释heptadn.七个,七个成套之物,七价原子;英英释义 heptad[ 'heptd ]n.the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one同义词...
详细解释nonagenarianadj.九十多岁的;n.九十多岁;英英释义 nonagenarian[ ,nundi'nrin, ,nn- ]n.someone whose age is in the nineties...
详细解释tercentenaryn.三百周年纪念的庆祝,三百周年纪念; 变形 复数:tercentenaries 英英释义 tercentenary[ ,t:sen'ti:nri, ,t:sen'...
详细解释hexan.六;英英释义 HEXAHexosaminidase A (alpha polypeptide), also known as HEXA, is an enzyme that in humans is encoded ...
详细解释hop on释义在…跳;英英释义 hop on v.get on the back of同义词:mountmount upget onjump onclimb onbestride
详细解释take to heart释义对…想不开,为…伤心[烦恼等];在乎;在意;介英英释义 take to heart v.get down to; pay attention to; tak...
详细解释interpersonal relationship释义人际关系;英英释义 Interpersonal relationshipAn interpersonal relationship is a strong, de...
详细解释quality time释义珍贵时间(尤指与年幼的子女参加社会活动的时间);英英释义 Quality time"Quality time"(QT) is an informal r...
详细解释mountain range释义山脉;山峦;岭;英英释义 mountain range n.a series of hills or mountains同义词:rangerange of mountain...