共 43 个单词
self-indulgencen.放纵,任性; 变形 复数:self-indulgences 英英释义 self-indulgence[ 'selfin'dldns ] inability to res...
详细解释;英英释义 Shangri-La[ 'gri'la: ]n.any place of complete bliss and delight and peace同义词:Edenpara...
详细解释carousaln.大宴会,狂欢;英英释义 carousal[ k'rauzl ]n.revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party同义词:carousebenderto...
详细解释sibyllineadj.女预言家的;来自女预言家的;神谕的;预言的英英释义 sibylline[ 'sibilain, -li:n ]adj.resembling or character...
详细解释accoutrevt.供以服装,供以军用品,装备;英英释义 accoutre[ 'ku:t ]v.provide with military equipment同义词:accouter
详细解释penologyn.刑罚学,监狱管理学;英英释义 penology[ pi:'nldi ]n.the branch of criminology concerned with prison management ...
详细解释ciliatedadj.有纤毛的;英英释义 ciliated[ 'silieitid ]adj.having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections同义词:ciliat...
详细解释machinationsn.诡计,阴谋,奸计;英英释义 machination[ 'mk'neinz -m ]n.a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usuall...
详细解释decolleteadj.(女装)低颈露肩的;英英释义 decollete[ ,dei'kltei ]adj.(of a garment) having a low-cut neckline同义词:low...
详细解释malaproposadj.不合时宜的;英英释义 malapropos[ ,mlpr'pu ]adj.of an inappropriate or incorrectly applied an ...
详细解释mangen.兽疥癣,家畜疥;螨病;英英释义 mange[ meind ]n.a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammati...
详细解释defalcatevi.盗用公款,挪用公款,贪污;英英释义 defalcate[ 'di:flkeit, di'f- ]v.appropriate (as property entrusted to one...
详细解释polygamistn.多配偶,一妻多夫,一夫多妻;英英释义 polygamist[ p'limist ]n.someone who is married to two or more people at...
详细解释inamoratan.情人,情妇,姘妇; 变形 复数:inamoratas 英英释义 inamorata[ in,m'r:t ]n.a woman with whom you are in love or...
详细解释leave-takingn.离去,告别,告别语;英英释义 leave-taking[ 'li:v,teiki ]n.the act of departing politely同义词:farewelllea...
详细解释flutedadj.笛声的,有凹槽的,长笛般的;英英释义 flute[ 'flu:tid ]n.a high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube clo...
详细解释lineamentsn.(面部等的)特征,轮廓;英英释义 lineament[ 'linimnts ]n.a characteristic property that defines the apparent...
详细解释swear-wordn.臭骂,诅咒;坏话;英英释义 swear-wordn.profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger同义词:cur...
详细解释multiformadj.多种形式的;多形式;多形;英英释义 multiform[ 'mltif:m ]adj.occurring in or having many forms or shapes or ...
详细解释ichthyologyn.鱼类学,鱼类学者作;英英释义 ichthyology[ ,iki'ldi ]n.the branch of zoology that studies fishes
详细解释florescencen.开花,全盛期,花期;英英释义 florescence[ 'fl:'resns ]n.the time and process of budding and unfolding of bl...
详细解释apiaristn.养蜂家;英英释义 apiarist[ 'eipjrist ]n.a farmer who keeps bees for their honey同义词:beekeeperapiculturist
详细解释recreantadj.怯懦的;n.懦夫; 变形 复数:recreants 英英释义 recreant[ 'rekrint ] abject coward同义词:poltrooncravena...
详细解释insalubriousadj.有害的;英英释义 insalubrious[ ,ins'lu:bris ]adj.detrimental to health同义词:unhealthfulunhealthy
详细解释bacchanaladj.酒神节的;狂饮作乐的;n.狂饮作乐的人;英英释义 bacchanal[ 'bknl ]n.someone who engages in drinking bouts同义...
详细解释piscatorialadj.钓鱼的,渔业的,捕鱼的;英英释义 piscatorial[ ,pisk't:ril ]adj.relating to or characteristic of the activ...
详细解释apiculturen.养蜂(业);英英释义 apiculture[ 'eipiklt ]n.the cultivation of bees on a commercial scale for the productio...
详细解释natationn.游泳,游泳犬;英英释义 natation[ n'tein, nei- ]n.the act of someone who floats on the water同义词:floating
详细解释Bacchanalian.(B-)(古罗马的)酒神节; 狂饮的闹宴;英英释义 Bacchanalia[ ,bk'neilj ] orgiastic festival in ancient Gr...
详细解释mealymouthedadj.转弯抹角说的,不敢直说的;英英释义 mealymouthed[ 'mi:limaud ]adj.hesitant to state facts or opinions sim...
详细解释litotesn.间接肯定法,反语法; 变形 复数:litotes 英英释义 litotes[ 'laituti:z ]n.understatement for rhetorical effect (e...
详细解释incommodiousadj.太小而不舒适的;不方便的;英英释义 incommodious[ ,ink'mudjs ]adj.uncomfortably or inconveniently small"i...
详细解释prefatoryadj.前言的,序文的;英英释义 prefatory[ 'preftri ]adj.serving as an introduction or preface同义词:introductory...
详细解释supererogatoryadj.额外的,超出职务的;英英释义 supererogatory[ ,sju:pr'rt:ri, -tri ]adj.more than is needed, desired, or...
详细解释tutelaryadj.守护的;监护的;保护的;守护人的英英释义 tutelary[ 'tju:tilri ]adj.providing protective supervision; watchin...