共 31 个单词
parasitizev.寄生于,寄生感染; 变形 过去式:parasitized过去分词:parasitized现在分词:parasitizing第三人称单数:parasiti...
详细解释biocontroln.生物电控制,生物防除;英英释义 BioControlBioControl is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Sprin...
详细解释diatonicadj.全音阶的;英英释义 diatonic[ ,dai'tnik ]adj.based on the standard major or minor scales consisting of 5 tone...
详细解释mineralizationn.矿化,使含矿物;英英释义 MineralizationIn geology, mineralization is the hydrothermal deposition of econ...
详细解释bollwormn.一种蛾的幼虫,螟蛉;英英释义 bollworm[ 'bulw:m ]n.any of various moth caterpillars that destroy cotton bolls
详细解释mollusciciden.软体动物杀灭剂,灭螺剂;杀贝剂;英英释义 MolluscicideMolluscicides , also known as snail baits and snail p...
详细解释quadrupedaladj.有四脚的,四足动物的;英英释义 quadrupedal[ kw'dru:pidl, ,kwdru'pedl ]adj.having four feet同义词:quadrup...
详细解释diatomn.硅藻属;英英释义 diatom[ 'daitm ]n.microscopic unicellular marine or freshwater colonial alga having cell walls ...
详细解释overlyingv.躺在…上面( overlie的现在分词 );叠加;英英释义 overlying[ ,uv'laii ]adj.placed on or over something else"an ...
详细解释kimberliten.角砾云橄岩,金伯利岩(含金刚石);英英释义 kimberlite[ 'kimblait ]n.a rare type of peridotite that sometimes...
详细解释cursorialadj.适于行走的;英英释义 cursorial[ k:'s:ril ]adj.(of limbs and feet) adapted for running
详细解释erythromycinn.红霉素(抗生素的一种);英英释义 erythromycin[ i,riru'maisin ] antibiotic (trade name Erythrocin or E-...
详细解释sulfiten.亚硫酸盐;英英释义 SulfiteSulfites or sulphites are compounds that contain the sulfite ion SO. The sulfite ion ...
详细解释gesson.(绘画、雕刻用的)石膏粉; 变形 复数:gessoes 英英释义 gesso[ 'desu ]n.gypsum or plaster of Paris spread on a sur...
详细解释bowerbirdn.澳洲产的一种鸟;英英释义 bowerbird[ 'baub:d ]n.any of various birds of the Australian region whose males buil...
详细解释theodoliten.经纬仪;英英释义 theodolite[ i'dlait ]n.a surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles,...
详细解释theropodadj.兽脚亚目食肉恐龙(前肢小,主要用后肢行走),兽脚亚目的;英英释义 theropod[ 'irpd ]n.any of numerous carnivor...
详细解释copyistn.抄写员,模仿者; 变形 复数:copyists 英英释义 copyist[ 'kpiist ]n.someone employed to make written copies of do...
详细解释lepidopteran.鳞翅类;鳞翅类的昆虫( lepidopteron的名词复数 );英英释义 lepidoptera[ ,lepi'dptr ]n.moths and butterflies同...
详细解释parapsychologyn.诡异心理学,通灵学;超心理;英英释义 parapsychology[ ,prsai'kldi ]n.phenomena that appear to contradict ...
详细解释Phoenicianadj.腓尼基的,腓尼基人的;英英释义 Phoenician[ fi'niin; -'ni:- ]n.a member of an ancient Semitic people who do...
详细解释neurotoxinn.神经毒素;英英释义 neurotoxin[ ,njuru'tksin ]n.any toxin that affects neural tissues同义词:neurolysin
详细解释copernicanadj.哥白尼学说的,哥白尼的;英英释义 copernican[ ku'p:nikn ]adj.of radical or major importanceaccording to Cop...
详细解释forelimbn.前肢;臑;英英释义 forelimb[ 'f:lim ]n.the front limb (or homologous structure in other animals such as a flip...
详细解释milkweedn.乳草属植物;英英释义 milkweed[ 'milkwi:d ]n.any of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias having milky juice a...