共 130 个单词
GMAT常用数学术语相关的的单词有【empty set】【right circular cone】【quartic equation】【equivalence relation】【concave polygon】【aliquant】【like terms】【complex number】【factorable】【similar terms】【decimal system】【geometric progression】【center of a circle】【supplementary angle】【arithmetic progression】【complementary angle】【list price】【linear algebra】【parallel lines】【angle bisector】【infinite decimal】【common multiple】【common fraction】【concentric circles】【odd integer】【original equation】【proper subset】【regular polygon】【even integer】【simple fraction】【Pythagorean theorem】【included side】【solution set】【radical sign】【common ratio】【proper fraction】【exterior angle】【direct proportion】【rectangular coordinate】【mixed number】等。
empty setn.空集;空系;英英释义 Empty setIn mathematics, and more specifically set theory, the empty set is the unique s...
详细解释equivalence relation释义等价(值)关系;英英释义 Equivalence relationIn mathematics, an equivalence relation is a relati...
详细解释concave polygonn.凹多边形;英英释义 concave polygon n.a polygon such that there is a straight line that cuts it in four ...
详细解释aliquantadj.不能整除的;英英释义 aliquant[ 'likwnt ] integer that is not an exact divisor of some quantity"5 is an a...
详细解释like terms释义同类项;英英释义 Like termsIn algebra, like terms are terms that have the same variables and powers. The c...
详细解释complex number释义复数;英英释义 complex number n.(mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers...
详细解释decimal systemn.十进制;英英释义 decimal system n.a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base ...
详细解释geometric progressionn.等比级数;英英释义 geometric progression n.(mathematics) a progression in which each term is mult...
详细解释arithmetic progression释义算术级数,等差级数;英英释义 arithmetic progression n.(mathematics) a progression in which a c...
详细解释list pricen.订价,价目表所列的价格; 变形 复数:list prices 英英释义 list price n.the selling price of something as stat...
详细解释linear algebra释义线性代数;英英释义 linear algebra n.the part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations...
详细解释common multiplen.公倍,公倍数;英英释义 common multiple integer that is a multiple of two or more other integers
详细解释common fraction释义简分数,普通分数;英英释义 common fraction n.the quotient of two integers同义词:simple fraction
详细解释regular polygon释义正多边形;英英释义 regular polygon n.a polygon with all sides and all angles equal
详细解释simple fractionn.简分数;英英释义 simple fraction n.the quotient of two integers同义词:common fraction
详细解释Pythagorean theoremn.毕氏定理,勾股定理;英英释义 Pythagorean theoremIn mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem—or Pythago...
详细解释solution set释义解集;英英释义 Solution setIn mathematics, a solution set is the set of values that satisfy a given set ...
详细解释radical signn.根号;英英释义 radical sign n.a sign placed in front of an expression to denote that a root is to be extra...
详细解释proper fractionn.真分数;英英释义 proper fraction n.a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator
详细解释exterior anglen.外角;英英释义 exterior angle n.the supplement of an interior angle of a polygon同义词:external angle