共 130 个单词
GMAT常用数学术语相关的的单词有【adjacent vertices】【decimal arithmetic】【algebraic fraction】【algebraic expression】【finish line】【least common denominator】【natural logarithm】【quantic】【acute triangle】【blot out】【geometric sequence】【remote interior angle】【rectangular hyperbola】【circle graph】【cumulative graph】【alternant】【decrease to】【simultaneous equations】【right circular cylinder】【arithmetic sequence】【linear function】【convex polygon】【common year】【intercalary year】【division sign】【regular pyramid】【cubic metre】【monomial】【number theory】【cross multiply】【graph theory】【null set】【trinomial】【linear transformation】【inverse proportion】【aliquot】【square measure】【regular prism】【mixed decimal】【average value】等。
algebraic fraction释义代数分式,代数分数;英英释义 Algebraic fractionIn algebra, an algebraic fraction is a fraction who...
详细解释finish line释义(赛跑的)终点线;英英释义 finish line n.a line indicating the location of the finish of a race同义词:fi...
详细解释natural logarithm释义自然对数;英英释义 natural logarithm n.a logarithm to the base e同义词:Napierian logarithm
详细解释quanticn.同次多项式;齐式;英英释义 quantic[ 'kwntik ]n.a homogeneous polynomial having at least two variables
详细解释acute triangle释义锐角三角形;英英释义 acute triangle n.a triangle whose interior angles are all acute同义词:acute-angl...
详细解释blot out释义覆盖,遮住;毁灭;抹杀;涂掉英英释义 blot out v.make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or conceal...
详细解释circle graph英英释义 Circle graphA circle with five chords and the corresponding circle graph.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释simultaneous equationsn.联立方程;英英释义 simultaneous equations n.a set of equations in two or more variables for whic...
详细解释linear function释义线性函数,一次函数;英英释义 Linear functionGraph of the linear function:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释convex polygon释义凸多边形;英英释义 convex polygon n.a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex...
详细解释intercalary year释义闰年;英英释义 intercalary year the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenar...
详细解释cubic metre释义立方米;英英释义 cubic metre n.a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters同义词:kiloliterk...
详细解释monomialn.单项式;adj.单项的;英英释义 MonomialIn mathematics, a monomial is roughly speaking, a polynomial which has on...
详细解释number theory释义数论;英英释义 Number theoryA [[Lehmer sieve, which is a primitive digital computer once used for findi...
详细解释trinomialn.三项式,三名法;adj.三项式的;英英释义 TrinomialIn elementary algebra, a trinomial is a polynomial consisting...
详细解释aliquotadj.能整除的,部分的;英英释义 aliquot[ 'likwt ] integer that is an exact divisor of some quantity"4 is an al...
详细解释square measuren.平方面积制;英英释义 square measure n.a system of units used to measure areas同义词:area unit