共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【shell out】【Botox】【tune up】【full-bodied】【duplicitous】【keen on】【exterminator】【playpen】【weigh in】【face-off】【acrophobia】【buttercup】【get down to】【go on about】【gravy boat】【roman nose】【serviette】【time frame】【know-it-all】【hit up】【fried eggs】【scrambled eggs】【boiled eggs】【rupee】【ejaculation】【sander】【dearest】【aquamarine】【pianissimo】【andante】【bird flu】【at the very least】【cut corners】【crop up】【go-ahead】【bass clef】【arpeggio】【board game】【sandbar】【undies】等。
shell outv.交付,支付;英英释义 shell out v.administer or bestow, as in small portions同义词:distributeadministermete o...
详细解释Botoxn.保妥适,肉毒杆菌毒素(可注入脸部以去除皱纹的物质);英英释义 Botoxn.a neurotoxin (trade name Botox) that is used ...
详细解释tune up释义调弦,定音,调整;英英释义 tune up n.exercising in preparation for strenuous activity同义词:warm-uptune-uppr...
详细解释full-bodiedadj.躯体大的;(酒)浓烈的;味道浓的;重要的英英释义 full-bodied[ 'ful'bdid ]adj.marked by richness and fulln...
详细解释duplicitousadj.搞两面派的;英英释义 duplicitous[ dju:'plisits ]adj.marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pret...
详细解释exterminatorn.扑灭的人,害虫驱除剂; 变形 复数:exterminators 英英释义 exterminator[ ik'st:mineit ]n.someone who extermi...
详细解释playpenn.(供幼儿在内玩耍的)护栏; 变形 复数:playpens 英英释义 playpen[ 'pleipen ]n.a portable enclosure in which babi...
详细解释face-offn.(冰球赛中等的)开球;对峙;敌对;面对面地会议英英释义 face-off[ 'feis:f ]n.a hostile disagreement face-to-fac...
详细解释buttercupn.毛茛,金凤花; 变形 复数:buttercups 英英释义 buttercup[ 'btkp ]n.any of various plants of the genus Ranuncul...
详细解释gravy boatn.调味汁瓶,酱油壶,上肉汁用的船形盘; 变形 复数:gravy boats 英英释义 gravy boat n.a dish (often boat-shaped)...
详细解释roman nose释义鹰钩鼻;英英释义 roman nose n.a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge同义词:hooknose
详细解释servietten.餐巾; 变形 复数:serviettes 英英释义 serviette[ ,s:vi'et ]n.a small piece of table linen that is used to wip...
详细解释time framen.期限,时帧; 变形 复数:time frames 英英释义 time frame n.a time period during which something occurs or is ...
详细解释know-it-alladj.假装或自称无所不知的;n.假装或自称无所不知的人; 变形 复数:know-it-alls 英英释义 know-it-all[ 'nuit:l ]n...
详细解释scrambled eggs释义炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋;帽饰;英英释义 scrambled eggs n.eggs beaten and cooked to a soft firm consistency whil...
详细解释rupeen.(印度等国的货币单位)卢比; 变形 复数:rupees 英英释义 rupee[ ru:'pi:, 'ru:pi: ]n.the basic unit of money in Sri...
详细解释ejaculationn.射出;突然的喊出; 变形 复数:ejaculations 英英释义 ejaculation[ i,dkju'lein ]n.an abrupt emphatic exclamat...
详细解释sandern.磨沙机; 变形 复数:sanders 英英释义 sander[ 'snd ]n.a power tool used for sanding wood; a loop of sandpaper is ...
详细解释aquamarinen.海蓝宝石;碧绿色;蓝晶; 变形 复数:aquamarines 英英释义 aquamarine[ ,kwm'ri:n ]n.a transparent variety of b...
详细解释pianissimoadv.极弱地;n.乐曲中以最弱音演奏之一节或一个乐章; 变形 复数:pianissimos 英英释义 pianissimo[ ,pj'nisimu ]n.(...
详细解释andanten.行板,缓慢的曲子;adj.& adv.缓慢的[地]; 变形 复数:andantes 英英释义 andante[ n'dnti ]n.a moderately slow temp...
详细解释crop up释义(尤指石头)裸露在地面各处;突然发生;意外地发现;犯错误英英释义 crop up v.appear suddenly or unexpectedly同义...
详细解释bass clefn.低音谱号;英英释义 bass clef n.a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff同义词:F c...
详细解释arpeggion.琶音; 变形 复数:arpeggios 英英释义 arpeggio[ :'pediu ]n.a chord whose notes are played in rapid succession r...
详细解释board gamen.用棋盘玩的游戏; 变形 复数:board games 英英释义 board game n.a game played on a specially designed board