共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【yap】【Fallopian tube】【anaphylactic】【Nintendo】【double bed】【pork chop】【black and blue】【sweatpants】【jungle gym】【nighty】【steamed】【jump in】【hold still】【cost effective】【yucky】【bib】【lunch break】【stay tuned】【tore】【stick up】【touch on】【practical joke】【facelift】【turn over a new leaf】【swindler】【Greenwich】【heckler】【Afro】【jarring】【pitch in】【rule of thumb】【zinger】【mix-up】【food poisoning】【daylight saving time】【fundraiser】【two-faced】【scoop up】【Ecuador】【Shoot the breeze】等。
Fallopian tuben.输卵管;英英释义 Fallopian tube [ f'lupin ]n.either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary...
详细解释anaphylacticadj.过敏的,导致过敏的;过敏性;英英释义 anaphylactic[ ,nfi'lktik ]adj.related to the hypersensitivity known...
详细解释black and blueadj.遍体鳞伤的;(身上)青一块,紫一块;英英释义 black and blue [ 'blkn'blu: ]adj.discolored by coagulatio...
详细解释sweatpantsn.运动裤;英英释义 sweatpants[ 'swetpnts ]n.loose-fitting trousers with elastic cuffs; worn by athletes同义词:...
详细解释jungle gymn.攀玩架,又称“猴架儿”。;爬杆;英英释义 jungle gym n.a structure of vertical and horizontal rods where chil...
详细解释jump inv.投入;英英释义 Jumpin"Jumpin"is the second single to be released from British pop group Liberty X's second stud...
详细解释cost effective释义[计] 成本的有效的,效能价格合算的,价格可取的;[经] 本轻利厚,成本效果;英英释义 cost effective adj.pr...
详细解释yuckyadj.令人讨厌的,难以下咽的;英英释义 yucky[ 'jki ]adj.highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust同义词:disgust...
详细解释bibn.(小儿用的)围嘴;围裙的上部; 变形 复数:bibs 英英释义 bib[ bib ]n.top part of an apron; covering the chesta napki...
详细解释stay tuned释义敬请期待;英英释义 Stay TunedStay Tuned was a Canadian comedy television series which aired on CBC Televis...
详细解释torev.撕( tear的过去式 );(使)分裂;撕碎;扯破英英释义 tore[ t: ]n.commonly the lowest molding at the base of a column...
详细解释stick up释义竖起;噘;撅;英英释义 stick up n.robbery at gunpoint同义词:armed robberyheistholdupstickupv.rob at gunpoin...
详细解释touch on释义碰(某人某处);与…有关, 涉及;英英释义 touch on v.refer to or discuss brieflyhave to do with or be releva...
详细解释practical joke释义恶作剧; 变形 复数:practical jokes 英英释义 practical joke n.a prank or trick played on a person (esp...
详细解释swindlern.骗子; 变形 复数:swindlers 英英释义 swindler[ 'swindl ]n.a person who swindles you by means of deception or f...
详细解释hecklern.诘问者; 变形 复数:hecklers 英英释义 heckler[ 'hekl ]n.someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and quest...
详细解释jarringadj.刺耳的,不和谐的,辗轧的;n.震动,冲突,辗轧声;英英释义 jarring[ 'd:ri ]adj.making or causing a harsh and ir...
详细解释rule of thumbn.凭感觉的方法;单凭经验的方法;经验法则;拇指规则英英释义 rule of thumb n.a rule or principle that provide...
详细解释mix-upn.混乱,混战; 变形 复数:mix-ups 英英释义 mix-up[ 'miksp ]n.a mistake that results from taking one thing to be an...
详细解释food poisoningna.食物中毒;英英释义 food poisoning n.illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food同义词:gastrointes...
详细解释daylight saving timen.夏令时;夏时制;英英释义 Daylight saving timeDaylight saving time (DST)—also summer time in Briti...
详细解释fundraisern.资金筹集活动;筹款人; 变形 复数:fundraisers 英英释义 fundraiser[ 'fnd,reiz ]n.someone who solicits financi...
详细解释two-facedadj.(有)两面的;双面的;(人)表里不一的;模棱两可的英英释义 two-faced[ 'tu:'feist ]adj.marked by deliberate ...
详细解释scoop up释义铲起;舀;英英释义 scoop up v.take out or up with or as if with a scoop同义词:scoopscoop outlift outtake up
详细解释Ecuadorn.厄瓜多尔(南美洲西北海岸的国家);英英释义 Ecuador[ 'ekwd: ]n.a republic in northwestern South America; became ...
详细解释Shoot the breeze释义闲聊, 说大话;英英释义 Shoot the breeze v.talk socially without exchanging too much information同义...