共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【sideburns】【rest assured】【shooting range】【flatline】【munchies】【comp】【tee off】【bachelorette】【aerophobia】【get a load of】【fancier】【in the mood for】【place mat】【biohazard】【a touch of】【monkey bars】【flatiron】【hippy】【widdle】【mortifying】【pop the question】【fettuccine】【armoire】【in store】【mooch】【Camembert】【Orion】【build-in】【calves】【locket】【pectoral】【Budweiser】【voila】【sandbox】【intubate】【turbocharge】【pinkie】【abdominals】【ovulation】【melatonin】等。
sideburnsn.连鬓胡子,鬓脚;英英释义 SideburnsSideburns or sideboards are patches of facial hair grown on the sides of th...
详细解释shooting rangen.射击场;彀;靶场;英英释义 shooting range n.an enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun p...
详细解释flatline释义死;断气;英英释义 FlatlineA flatline is an electrical time sequence measurement that shows no activity.以上...
详细解释munchiesn.饥饿感,吃点心欲; 快餐,小吃;英英释义 MunchiesMunchies is a song by UK Hip Hop artist Braintax, which appear...
详细解释compn.比较两个或多个文件; 变形 复数:comps 英英释义 comp[ kmp ]n.an intensive examination testing a student's proficien...
详细解释tee off释义开始;发怒;(高尔夫球比赛)开赛;使生气英英释义 tee off n.the act of hitting a golf ball from the teeing gro...
详细解释bacheloretten.未婚女子;英英释义 bachelorette[ ,btl'ret ]n.a young unmarried woman who lives alone同义词:bachelor girl
详细解释place matn.餐具垫子; 变形 复数:place mats 英英释义 place mat n.a mat serving as table linen for an individual place se...
详细解释biohazardn.(尤指带有微生物的生物工作所引起的)生物危害;电影、游戏系列;英英释义 biohazard[ ,baiu'hzd ]n.hazard to huma...
详细解释flatironn.熨斗;熨斗形山;英英释义 flatiron[ 'flt,ain ]n.an iron that was heated by placing it on a stove
详细解释hippyn.嬉皮士;adj.臀部肥大的; 变形 复数:hippies 英英释义 hippy[ 'hipi ]n.someone who rejects the established culture;...
详细解释pop the questionv.求婚;英英释义 pop the question v.ask (someone) to marry you同义词:proposedeclare oneselfoffer
详细解释fettuccinen.意大利宽面条,扁平细面条; (用意大利宽面条烹制的)白脱奶油面;英英释义 fettuccine[ 'fetu:ti:ni: ]n.pasta in...
详细解释armoiren.壁柜,衣橱;衣柜;英英释义 armoire[ :'mw: ]n.a large wardrobe or cabinet; originally used for storing weapons
详细解释Camembertn.法国 Camembert 村所产的软质乳酪; 变形 复数:Camemberts 英英释义 Camembert[ 'kmmb ]n.rich soft creamy French ...
详细解释Orionabbr.on-line retrieval of information over a network 网络在线信息检索;英英释义 Orion[ 'rain; :- ]n.(Greek mytholog...
详细解释build-in释义嵌固;英英释义 build-inv.make something an integral part of something else同义词:build in
详细解释locketn.小盒,纪念品盒; 变形 复数:lockets 英英释义 locket[ 'lkit ]n.a small ornamental case; usually contains a pictur...
详细解释pectoraladj.胸部的,戴在胸部的;n.胸鳍,胸肌; 变形 复数:pectorals 英英释义 pectoral[ 'pektrl ]n.either of two large mu...
详细解释Budweisern.百威(啤酒);英英释义 BudweiserBudweiser is a German noun (nominalized adjective) describing something or so...
详细解释sandboxn.沙箱,沙盒; 变形 复数:sandboxes 英英释义 sandbox[ 'sndbks ]n.mold consisting of a box with sand shaped to mol...
详细解释intubatevt.把管子插进; 变形 过去式:intubated过去分词:intubated现在分词:intubating第三人称单数:intubates 英英释义 in...
详细解释pinkien.小(手)指,=pinky;尖头帆船; 变形 复数:pinkies 英英释义 pinkie[ 'piki ]n.the finger farthest from the thumb同...
详细解释abdominalsn.腹肌;英英释义 abdominal[ b'dminlz ]n.the muscles of the abdomen同义词:abdominal muscleabadj.of or relating...
详细解释ovulationn.排卵,产卵作用;英英释义 ovulation[ ,uvju'lein, - ]n.the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary (usually midway ...