共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【metalworking】【emerging market】【twin bed】【man up】【pecs】【urban legend】【ground beef】【tarot】【in the market for】【fat cat】【courser】【lost cause】【hiking boots】【bone-dry】【sourdough】【cosmo】【samosa】【terabyte】【con artist】【oyster sauce】【boneless】【nachos】【hit the nail on the head】【Aries】【Chardonnay】【foie gras】【varietal】【sunny side up】【icky】【scalper】【merlot】【creep out】【carburetor】【airhead】【Threw up】【hocus】【ganja】【read up】【pastrami】【drag out】等。
metalworkingn.金属加工术,金属工;金工;英英释义 metalworking[ 'metl,w:ki ]n.the activity of making things out of metal ...
详细解释twin bedn.(成对床之一的)成对单人床; 变形 复数:twin beds 英英释义 twin bed n.one of a pair of identical beds
详细解释man upv.(给矿业、农业等)补充人力;[俚语]拿出男人的样子;英英释义 Man UpMan Up is the third album by the Danish blues-r...
详细解释pecsn.(尤指健美运动员或举重运动员的)胸肌;英英释义 pecs[ peks ]n.either of two large muscles of the chest同义词:pecto...
详细解释urban legendn.都市传奇;英英释义 urban legend n.a story that appears mysteriously and spreads spontaneously in various f...
详细解释tarotn.占卜用的纸牌(共二十二张);英英释义 tarotn.any of a set of (usually 72) cards that include 22 cards representing...
详细解释coursern.猎狗,打猎者,骏马;英英释义 courser[ 'k:s ]n.a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight ...
详细解释lost causen.注定要失败的努力(或行动); 变形 复数:lost causes 英英释义 lost cause n.a defeated cause or a cause for wh...
详细解释bone-dryadj.极干燥的,一点酒也没有的,绝对禁酒的;英英释义 bone-dry[ 'bun'drai ]adj.without a trace of moisture; as dry ...
详细解释sourdoughn.酵母,拓荒者;发酸面团;英英释义 sourdough[ 'saudu ]n.a leaven of dough in which fermentation is active; used...
详细解释cosmoabbr.cosmoline (一种)防腐油;cosmopolitan 世界主义的,世界主义者;英英释义 CosmoCosmo is a canine actor. He is a ...
详细解释samosan.萨莫萨三角饺; 变形 复数:samosas 英英释义 samosa[ s'mus, sa:'musa ]n.small turnover of Indian origin filled wit...
详细解释terabyten.兆兆字节(信息量度单位,=2#[40]字节);英英释义 terabyte[ 'terbait ]n.a unit of information equal to a trillio...
详细解释con artist释义[俚]骗子,以花言巧语骗人的人;[俚]过上了舒适懒散生活的人; 变形 复数:con artists 英英释义 con artist n.a ...
详细解释oyster sauce释义蚝油;英英释义 Oyster sauceOyster sauce describes a number of sauces made by cooking oysters. The most c...
详细解释bonelessadj.去骨的;英英释义 boneless[ 'bunlis ]adj.being without a bone or bones"jellyfish are boneless"
详细解释nachos释义墨西哥玉米片(可用豆、干酪、辛香料等作配料食用);英英释义 NachosNachos are a popular food based on nixtamaliz...
详细解释Ariesabbr.astronomical radio interferometric earth surveying 航空干涉测量勘察地表;n.[天] 白羊(星)座;[天] 白羊宫;英英...
详细解释Chardonnayn.夏敦埃酒(一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒);英英释义 Chardonnay[ ,:dn'ei ]n.white wine grape同义词:chardo...
详细解释foie grasn.肥鹅(或鸭)肝(酱);肥肝;英英释义 foie gras [ 'fw:'r: ]n.a pate made from goose liver (marinated in Cognac...
详细解释varietaladj.品种的;英英释义 varietal[ v'raitl ]n.a wine made principally from one grape and carrying the name of that g...
详细解释ickyadj.黏得讨厌的,过分甜的,讨厌的;n.令人作呕的人;英英释义 icky[ 'iki ]adj.very bad同义词:crappylousyrottenshittyst...
详细解释scalpern.剥头皮的人;做投机抽头的人;黄牛党;黄牛 变形 复数:scalpers 英英释义 scalper[ 'sklp ]n.someone who buys someth...
详细解释merlotn.墨尔乐(法国酿酒用葡萄品种名); 墨尔乐红葡萄酒;英英释义 merlot[ m'lu ]n.black wine grape originally from the r...
详细解释carburetorn.汽化器,化油器;英英释义 carburetorn.mixes air with gasoline vapor prior to explosion同义词:carburettor
详细解释hocusvt.欺骗,麻醉; 变形 过去式:hocusedhocussed过去分词:hocusedhocussed现在分词:hocusinghocussing第三人称单数:hocus...
详细解释ganjan.大麻,大麻雌花顶部;英英释义 ganja[ ':nd ]n.a strong-smelling plant from whose dried leaves a number of euphorian...