共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【croaky】【cut it】【forgive and forget】【fortune 500】【friz】【fumigate】【neuroanatomy】【newbie】【liverwurst】【love seat】【luge】【love handles】【buddie】【bung up】【bummed out】【athletic shoes】【my treat】【dweeb】【Funeral home】【pipsqueak】【strappy】【Square Off】【wire transfer】【lightheaded】【muesli】【haymaker】【wisdom tooth】【contingency plan】【split second】【sleep on it】【bell pepper】【leaps and bounds】【right up】【blabber】【soup kitchen】【corporate governance】【pull yourself together】【counter top】【be into】【in the middle of nowhere】等。
croakyadj.哇哇叫的;英英释义 croaky[ 'kruki ]adj.like the sounds of frogs and crows同义词:croakingguttural
详细解释fortune 500n.500强或“世界500强”;adj.名列世界500强(企业)的;英英释义 Fortune 500The Fortune 500 is an annual list co...
详细解释fumigatevt.用化学品熏(某物)消毒; 变形 过去式:fumigated过去分词:fumigated现在分词:fumigating第三人称单数:fumigates...
详细解释neuroanatomyn.神经解剖学; 变形 复数:neuroanatomies 英英释义 neuroanatomy[ ,njuru'ntmi ]n.the anatomy of the nervous sy...
详细解释newbien.网络新手,新兵;英英释义 newbie[ 'nju:bi: ]n.any new participant in some activity同义词:newcomerfledglingfledge...
详细解释liverwurstn.肝泥香肠;英英释义 liverwurst[ 'livw:st ]n.sausage containing ground liver同义词:liver puddingliver sausage
详细解释love seatn.双人沙发;英英释义 love seat n.small sofa that seats two people同义词:loveseattete-a-tetevis-a-vis
详细解释lugen.竞赛用的小型撬;vi.坐小橇内滑雪; 变形 复数:luges 英英释义 luge[ lu: ]n.a racing sled for one or two peoplev.move...
详细解释love handlesn.腰间赘肉;英英释义 Love handles"Love handles"is an informal term for deposits of excess fat at the side of...
详细解释dweebn.呆子,怪人; 变形 复数:dweebs 英英释义 dweeb[ dwi:b ]n.an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affect...
详细解释Funeral homen.殡仪馆; 变形 复数:funeral homes 英英释义 Funeral home n.a mortuary where those who knew the deceased can...
详细解释Square Off释义摆出自卫或攻击的架式;英英释义 Square Off v.settle conclusively; come to terms同义词:settlesquare updeter...
详细解释wire transfer释义电汇;英英释义 Wire transferWire transfer or credit transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer f...
详细解释lightheadedadj.头昏眼花的;英英释义 lightheaded[ 'lait'hedid ]adj.weak and likely to lose consciousness同义词:faintligh...
详细解释haymakern.制作干草者,干草机,强击;英英释义 haymaker[ 'hei,meik ]n.a farm machine that treats hay to cause more rapid a...
详细解释wisdom toothn.智齿; 变形 复数:wisdom teeth 英英释义 wisdom tooth n.any of the last 4 teeth on each side of the upper a...
详细解释contingency plan释义应急方案,应急计划;英英释义 Contingency planA contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome oth...
详细解释split secondn.瞬间;刹那;英英释义 split second n.a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to ...
详细解释bell pepper释义铃状椒,甜椒,柿子椒; 变形 复数:bell peppers 英英释义 bell pepper n.plant bearing large mild thick-wall...
详细解释leaps and bounds释义跳跃;英英释义 Leaps and BoundsLeaps and Bounds was a chain of indoor play-places that was started b...
详细解释blabbern.多嘴的人;v.胡言乱语,喋喋不休;英英释义 blabber[ 'blb ]n.one who reveals confidential information in return fo...
详细解释soup kitchenn.(救济贫民、灾民的)施舍处,流动厨房; 变形 复数:soup kitchens 英英释义 soup kitchen n.a place where food...
详细解释corporate governancen.泛指公司高层在经营管理、行为方式上的道德标准和透明度。;英英释义 Corporate governanceCorporate gov...
详细解释pull yourself together释义calm down;relax;镇静;重新振作(安慰)英英释义 Pull Yourself Together"Pull Yourself Together...