共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【die on】【landscaping】【lap dance】【blew off】【ganache】【gas mileage】【in-laws】【tone down】【tooth fairy】【heatwave】【top shape】【dinnerware】【praline】【get over with】【get cold feet】【get to know】【pressed for time】【press kit】【on tap】【well balanced】【floaty】【flow in】【nerve wracking】【brain drain】【go down in history】【around here】【as blind as a bat】【insole】【tummy tuck】【suck at】【Super Bowl】【vitruvian】【swear in】【Ripped off】【musicianship】【mumbo jumbo】【Prozac】【pull out all the stops】【Why on earth】【without a hitch】等。
landscapingn.景观美化;造园林;英英释义 landscaping[ 'lnd,skeipi ]n.working as a landscape gardener同义词:landscape gar...
详细解释lap dance英英释义 Lap danceA lap dance is a type of sex workDitmore, Melissa Hope. Prostitution and Sex Work.以上来源于:...
详细解释gas mileage释义一加仑汽油所行驶的里程(汽油消耗定额);英英释义 gas mileage n.the ratio of the number of miles traveled ...
详细解释tone down释义使温和一些;英英释义 tone down v.deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping同义词:mufflemutedulldam...
详细解释heatwaven.热浪[波],酷暑期; 变形 复数:heatwaves 英英释义 HeatwaveHeatwave is a 1982 Australian film directed by Philli...
详细解释dinnerwaren.整套的餐具;英英释义 dinnerware[ 'din,w ]n.the tableware (plates and platters and serving bowls etc.) used i...
详细解释pralinen.果仁糖;英英释义 praline[ 'pr:li:n, 'prei- ]n.cookie-sized candy made of brown sugar and butter and pecans
详细解释press kit释义宣传资料袋;英英释义 Press kitA press kit, often referred to as a media kit in business environments, is a ...
详细解释on tap释义随时调用的, 现成的;英英释义 on tap adj.(of liquids) available by turning a tapavailable for immediate use
详细解释well balanced释义[体]匀称;英英释义 well balanced adj.in an optimal state of balance or equilibrium同义词:well-balanced...
详细解释floatyadj.能浮起的,吃水浅的;英英释义 floaty[ 'fluti ]adj.tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas"a floaty s...
详细解释nerve wracking英英释义 nerve wracking adj.extremely irritating to the nerves同义词:nerve-rackingnerve-wrackingstressful...
详细解释brain drainn.智囊流失;英英释义 brain drain n.depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
详细解释insolen.鞋内底,鞋垫; 变形 复数:insoles 英英释义 insole[ 'insul ]n.the inner sole of a shoe or boot where the foot res...
详细解释tummy tuck释义整腹术;英英释义 tummy tuck n.cosmetic surgery of the abdomen to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin over...
详细解释Super Bowln.美国橄榄球超级杯大赛;英英释义 Super Bowl, 2013) Baltimore Ravens 34, San Francisco 49ers 31以上来源于:Wikip...
详细解释Ripped off英英释义 Ripped OffRipped Off (also known as The Boxer and Un uomo dalla pelle dura ) is a 1972 Italian crime ...
详细解释musicianshipn.音乐技巧;音乐感;音乐才能;音乐修养英英释义 musicianship[ mju:'zinip ]n.artistry in performing music
详细解释mumbo jumbon.[贬] 莫名其妙的话,迷惑人的神秘活动,巫术;魔神;英英释义 mumbo jumbo [ 'mmbu'dmbu ]n.language that is unne...
详细解释Prozac释义氟苯氧丙胺;英英释义 Prozac[ 'pruzk ]n.a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an anti...
详细解释pull out all the stops释义竭尽全力,全力以赴;英英释义 pull out all the stops v.use all resources available