共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【use up】【eco-friendly】【stand up】【amount to】【step out】【etc.】【make a difference】【have the nerve】【kick out】【now that】【as far as】【make ends meet】【get back to】【hammer home】【stand for】【at all costs】【at a loss】【warm up】【once and for all】【set back】【stand out】【moisturizer】【put up】【more of】【go about】【come down with】【fall for】【buy into】【offside】【throw in】【goal kick】【penalty kick】【kick-off】【codicil】等。
use upvt.& vi.用完,耗尽;用光;英英释义 use up v.use up (resources or materials)同义词:consumeeat upeatdepleteexhaustr...
详细解释stand up释义起立;竖立;经久耐用;失约英英释义 stand up v.rise to one's feet同义词:ariseriseupriseget uprefuse to back ...
详细解释step out释义步测;赶紧;暂时离开一下;出去娱乐英英释义 step out v.go outside a room or building for a short period of ti...
详细解释make a difference释义有影响;起(重要)作用;英英释义 Make A DifferenceMAD, or Make A Difference, is a youth volunteer n...
详细解释kick out释义撵走;解雇;用脚踢[攻击];拼命抵抗英英释义 kick out [ 'kikaut ]v.force to leave or move out同义词:expelthro...
详细解释stand for释义代表;为…而奋斗;拥护;容忍英英释义 stand for v.express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbo...
详细解释at all costs释义不惜任何代价;不惜工本;英英释义 at all costs adv.regardless of the cost involved同义词:at any costat a...
详细解释at a loss释义不知所措;亏本;困惑;神思恍惚英英释义 at a loss adj.filled with bewilderment同义词:nonplusednonplussedpuz...
详细解释warm up释义使热;变热;(使)更活跃;(使)作准备活动英英释义 warm up n.exercising in preparation for strenuous activity...
详细解释once and for all释义一次了结地, 一劳永逸地;彻底地;最终地;英英释义 once and for all adv.in a conclusive way同义词:co...
详细解释set back释义花费;向后移;拨慢;推迟英英释义 set back [ 'setbk ]n.structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly同义...
详细解释stand out释义突出;坚持;超群;向前跨步英英释义 stand out v.be highly noticeable同义词:leap outjump outjumpstick outdis...
详细解释put upvt.举起;张贴;建造;提高vi.提供食宿;直接行动;英英释义 put up v.put up同义词:postmount or put up同义词:provide...
详细解释fall for释义上当,听信;爱上;英英释义 fall for v.fall in love with; become infatuated withbe deceived, duped, or entrap...
详细解释offsideadj.越位的;n.越位;英英释义 offside[ 'f'said, ':- ]n.(sport) the mistake of occupying an illegal position on the...
详细解释throw in释义把…扔进…;添上;附带奉送;把…插入讨论、计划等英英释义 throw in n.(rugby) an act or instance of throwing a...
详细解释goal kick释义球门发球;英英释义 goal kick n.(rugby) an attempt to kick a goal同义词:goal-kick(association football) a k...
详细解释kick-offn.(足球)开球;剔除; 变形 复数:kick-offs 英英释义 kick-offn.(football) a kick from the center of the field to...