共 34 个单词
gentlemanlikeadj.举止高雅的,绅士的;英英释义 gentlemanlike[ 'dentlmnlaik ]adj.befitting a man of good breeding同义词:g...
详细解释woodhousen.木料间,木柴间,柴棚;英英释义 WoodhouseWoodhouse is an English surname. Notable people with the surname incl...
详细解释Goddard释义戈达德(姓氏; Robert Hutchings, 1882-1945,美国物理学家,火箭工程学的先驱者);英英释义 Goddard[ 'gd:d ]n.Un...
详细解释grandmaman.奶奶,外祖母;英英释义 GrandmamaGrandmama is a fictional character within The Addams Family, created by carto...
详细解释tolerablyadv.可容忍地;颇;英英释义 tolerably[ 'tlrbli ]adv.in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner"she plays tenn...
详细解释barouchen.(尤指19世纪在后部带折叠车篷的)四轮大马车;英英释义 barouche[ b'ru: ]n.a horse-drawn carriage having four whe...
详细解释agreeablyadv.令人愉快地;惬意地;同意地;一致地英英释义 agreeably[ 'ri:bli ]adv.in an enjoyable manner同义词:pleasantly...
详细解释unsuspiciousadj.不怀疑的,不多疑的;英英释义 unsuspicious[ 'nss'pis ]adj.not suspicious同义词:unsuspecting
详细解释pianoforten.钢琴(旧称); 变形 复数:pianofortes 英英释义 pianoforte[ ,pjnu'f:ti ]n.a stringed instrument that is playe...
详细解释sucklingn.乳儿,乳臭未干的小子;v.给…喂奶( suckle的现在分词 );英英释义 suckling[ 'skli ]n.English poet and courtier (1...
详细解释ostlern.(旅馆的)马夫;英英释义 ostler[ 'sl ]n.someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses同义词:stableman...
详细解释grievedv.感到悲痛,伤心( grieve的过去式和过去分词 );使…伤心;惨恻;酸楚英英释义 grieve[ gri:vd ]v.feel grief; eat one'...
详细解释vicaragen.教区牧师的俸禄(住宅,职位); 变形 复数:vicarages 英英释义 vicarage[ 'vikrid ]n.an official residence provid...
详细解释calamusn.省藤属植物,菖蒲,羽根; 变形 复数:calami 英英释义 calamus[ 'klms ]n.any tropical Asian palm of the genus Cala...
详细解释eveningsadv.每晚,在(任何)晚上;n.傍晚( evening的名词复数 );黄昏;晚会;晚上娱乐活动英英释义 evening[ 'i:vniz ]n.the ...
详细解释windsor释义温莎皂;英英释义 windsor[ 'winz ]n.a city in southeastern Ontario on the Detroit River opposite Detroitthe Br...
详细解释unexceptionableadj.完全满意的,无懈可击的;英英释义 unexceptionable[ ,nik'sepnbl ]adj.completely acceptable; not open to...
详细解释coldnessn.冷;冷淡;冷酷;冷静英英释义 coldness[ 'kuldnis ]n.the sensation produced by low temperatures同义词:colda lac...
详细解释Yorkshiren.约克郡,约克夏(英国英格兰原郡名);英英释义 Yorkshire[ 'j:k ]n.a former large county in northern England; in...
详细解释connexionn.联系,连结;英英释义 connexion[ k'nekn ]n.a connecting shape同义词:connectionlinka relation between things o...
详细解释unwholesomeadj.不卫生的,有害身心健康的;看上去不健康的;英英释义 unwholesome[ ,n'hulsm ]adj.detrimental to physical or ...