共 52 个单词
Differential-Equations-MIT相关的的单词有【in one breath】【tilde】【free range】【none the wiser】【quotation mark】【soup up】【god forbid】【playbill】【squiggly】【infelicity】【get over it】【musical chairs】【top line】【as it stands】【wade through】【DDT】【rest in peace】【contraposition】【tag along】【song and dance】【spring break】【fly in the ointment】【cubby】【free ride】【jell】【sleight of hand】【integrator】【semicolon】【hang onto】【fuss over】【wear on】【ethnic cleansing】【coast guard】【providential】【temporize】【solvable】【trip up】【fiddle with】【trial run】【for once】等。
tilden.加在西班牙语n字上的发音符号; 变形 复数:tildes 英英释义 tilde[ 'tild ]n.a diacritical mark (~) placed over the l...
详细解释free range释义自由放牧场;英英释义 free range adj.of livestock and domestic poultry; permitted to graze or forage rather...
详细解释quotation markn.引号; 变形 复数:quotation marks 英英释义 quotation mark n.a punctuation mark used to attribute the enc...
详细解释god forbid释义上帝禁区;英英释义 God forbidGod forbid is an idiom meaning "I hope it does not happen". Other uses may in...
详细解释playbilln.戏单,节目单;海报;戏报;英英释义 playbill[ 'pleibil ]n.a theatrical program"he couldn't find her name on the...
详细解释infelicityn.不恰当的言语;不幸; 变形 复数:infelicities 英英释义 infelicity[ ,infi'lisiti ]n.inappropriate and unpleasi...
详细解释get over it释义[电影]失恋大不同;英英释义 Get Over It(video version) (album version)以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释musical chairsn.抢座位游戏;英英释义 musical chairs n.a child's game in which N players march to music around N-1 chairs...
详细解释DDTn.滴滴涕;英英释义 DDT[ ,di:,di:'ti: ]n.an insecticide that is also toxic to animals and humans; banned in the United...
详细解释rest in peace释义安息吧;英英释义 Rest in peace"Rest in peace"(Latin: Requiescat in pace) is a short epitaph or idiomati...
详细解释contrapositionn.对置,对位,对照;英英释义 ContrapositionIn logic, contraposition is a law, which says that a conditiona...
详细解释tag along释义尾随;英英释义 tag along n.someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along同义词:tagalonghanger-on...
详细解释song and dancen.不着边际的废话,大事宣扬;歌舞;英英释义 song and dance n.theatrical performance combining singing and d...
详细解释spring break释义春季解冻;英英释义 spring break n.a week or more of recess during the spring term at school
详细解释fly in the ointment释义瑕疵,美中不足:有损大局的情况或细节,缺点;英英释义 fly in the ointment n.an inconvenience that ...
详细解释free ride释义坐享其成,无本获利;英英释义 Free RideFree Ride is an album by trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie which was composed...
详细解释sleight of hand释义(隐蔽的)敏捷手法;(捏造假象或骗人的)手腕;戏法;熟练手法 变形 复数:sleights of hand 英英释义 sle...
详细解释integratorn.综合者;英英释义 integrator[ 'intireit ]n.a measuring instrument for measuring the area of an irregular plan...
详细解释semicolonn.分号; 变形 复数:semicolons 英英释义 semicolon[ ,semi'kuln, 'semikuln ]n.a punctuation mark (`;') used to co...
详细解释ethnic cleansing释义种族清洗;英英释义 ethnic cleansing n.the mass expulsion and killing of one ethic or religious group...
详细解释coast guardn.海岸巡逻队队员,海岸警卫队队员;英英释义 coast guard n.a military service responsible for the safety of mar...
详细解释providentialadj.凑巧的,幸运的;英英释义 providential[ ,prvi'denl ]adj.peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by div...
详细解释temporizevi.敷衍;拖延;顺应时势;暂时同意 变形 过去式:temporized过去分词:temporized现在分词:temporizing第三人称单数:...
详细解释solvableadj.可以解的,可以解决的;可解;英英释义 solvable[ 'slvbl, 's:l- ]adj.capable of being solved"such problems are ...
详细解释trip up释义绊倒;跌倒;抓住(某人)的差错;(使)犯错误英英释义 trip up n.an unintentional but embarrassing blunder同义词...
详细解释fiddle withv.乱动;摆弄;拨弄;搬弄英英释义 fiddle with v.manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner同义词:twidd...
详细解释trial runn.试车,试验,试运行; 变形 复数:trial runs 英英释义 trial run n.trying something to find out about it同义词:...