共 128 个单词
Desperate-HousewivesS01相关的的单词有【paella】【side entrance】【ta-ta】【peddling】【piping hot】【color palette】【identical twins】【plum pudding】【fell short】【stand guard】【lay to rest】【book end】【fly off】【foiling】【grief-stricken】【be my guest】【work into】【ducky】【puttanesca】【scrape off】【overcompensate】【three-handed】【burn through】【read up】【butt in】【loose ground】【gaze out】【credited with】【roughhouse】【beat out】【heavy lifting】【willies】【thus far】【coonskin】【hell-bent】【dressed up】【go off the deep end】【buy-in】【yay】【aye-aye】等。
side entrancen.侧门;英英释义 side entrance exterior door at one side of a building同义词:side door
详细解释piping hot释义滚热的,非常新鲜的;英英释义 Piping hotPiping hot is an English language phrase, meaning very hot, usually...
详细解释identical twinsn.全等双生,同卵双生( identical twin的名词复数 );[医] 单卵性双胎;英英释义 identical twin n.either of tw...
详细解释plum puddingn.葡萄干布丁; 变形 复数:plum puddings 英英释义 plum pudding n.a rich steamed or boiled pudding that resemb...
详细解释stand guardv.站岗;站岗放哨;英英释义 stand guard over so as to protect同义词:stand watchkeep guardstand sentin...
详细解释lay to rest释义安葬;取消;英英释义 lay to rest in a grave or tomb同义词:buryentombinhumeinter
详细解释book endn.书夹,书靠;书立;英英释义 book end n.a support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright (on a...
详细解释foilingn.叶形饰;v.挫败,使受挫折( foil的现在分词 );英英释义 foiling[ 'fili ] act of hindering someone's plans or e...
详细解释grief-strickenadj.极度忧伤的;黯然销魂;英英释义 grief-stricken[ 'ri:f,strikn ]adj.sorrowful through loss or deprivation...
详细解释be my guest释义请(自)便;英英释义 Be My GuestBe My Guest (1974–2004) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and Champio...
详细解释duckyadj.极好的,可喜的,极为愉快的;英英释义 ducky[ 'dki ]n.a special loved one同义词:darlingfavoritefavouritepetdeari...
详细解释overcompensatev.过度代偿; 变形 过去式:overcompensated过去分词:overcompensated现在分词:overcompensating第三人称单数:...
详细解释butt in释义插嘴,插手,干涉;冒然闯入;英英释义 butt in v.break into a conversation同义词:chime incut input inchisel in...
详细解释beat out释义筋疲力尽;砸平;扑灭(火);以敲击(鼓等)奏出(曲调等)英英释义 beat out [ 'bi:taut ]v.come out better in a...
详细解释williesn.使某人害怕和不安;鸡巴,阳物( willy的名词复数 );英英释义 willies[ 'wiliz ]n.feelings of uneasiness"that guy ga...
详细解释thus far释义迄今;迄今为止;到目前为止;到这点为止英英释义 thus far adv.used in negative statement to describe a situati...
详细解释coonskinn.浣熊皮;adj.浣熊皮的;英英释义 coonskin[ 'ku:nskin ]n.a raccoon cap with the tail hanging down the back同义词:...
详细解释hell-bentadj.固执的,拼命的;英英释义 hell-bent[ 'hel'bent ]adj.recklessly determined"hell-bent on winning"
详细解释dressed upadj.穿上盛装的;装扮成…的;英英释义 dressed up adj.dressed in fancy or formal clothing同义词:dressed(p)dress...
详细解释buy-inn.买进,补进(为了接管某公司买进其控制股权);英英释义 buy-in[ 'bai,in ]v.stock up on to keep for future use or sa...