共 168 个单词
fosteringv.培养,促进( foster的现在分词 );收养,养育;英英释义 fostering[ 'f:stri ]n.encouragement; aiding the developm...
详细解释constitutiveadj.构成的,制定的;英英释义 constitutiveadj.constitutional in the structure of something (especially your p...
详细解释flexionn.(关节、肢的)弯曲,弯曲状态;臂前举;拐度;英英释义 flexion[ 'flekn ]n.the state of being flexed (as of a join...
详细解释daycaren.日托,幼儿园;英英释义 daycare[ 'deik ]n.childcare during the day while parents work同义词:day care
详细解释look-aliken.面貌酷似的人;英英释义 look-alike[ 'luk,laik ]n.someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an...
详细解释marchern.边疆地区居民;边境防务长官;行进者;行军者 变形 复数:marchers 英英释义 marcher[ 'm:t ] inhabitant of a bor...
详细解释after-schooladj.课外的;英英释义 after-school[ ':ftsku:l, 'f- ]adj.outside regular school hours"a special after-school c...
详细解释turpentinen.松节油,松脂;v.涂松节油,采松脂; 变形 过去式:turpentined过去分词:turpentined现在分词:turpentining第三人...
详细解释entomologistn.昆虫学者; 变形 复数:entomologists 英英释义 entomologist[ ,ent'mldist ]n.a zoologist who studies insects同...
详细解释othernessn.相异,不同,另一物;英英释义 otherness[ 'nis ]n.the quality of being not alike; being distinct or different f...
详细解释suspendern.吊裤带;悬挂物;吊杆;袜吊 变形 复数:suspenders 英英释义 suspender[ s'spend ]n.elastic straps that hold trou...
详细解释on-the-jobadj.在职的;英英释义 on-the-job[ 'n'db, ':n- ]adj.relating to or associated with a job or employment"on-the-jo...
详细解释matter-of-factadj.切合实际的;讲求实际的;就事论事的;平淡的面不改色的;英英释义 matter-of-fact[ 'mtrv'fkt ]n.a disputed...
详细解释quarterfinaln.四分之一决赛;英英释义 quarterfinal[ ,kw:t'fainl ] of the four competitions in an elimination tournam...
详细解释IPOabbr.Initial Public Offerings 首次公开募股;英英释义 IPOn.a corporation's first offer to sell stock to the public同义...
详细解释enlistmentn.应征入伍,获得,取得; 变形 复数:enlistments 英英释义 enlistment[ in'listmnt ]n.a period of time spent in m...
详细解释blisteringadj.酷热的;猛烈的;使起疱的;可恶的v.起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒;n.[涂料] 起泡;英英释义 blistering[ 'blistri ]...
详细解释ever-changingadj.千变万化的,变幻无穷的,日新月异的;英英释义 ever-changingadj.marked by continuous change or effective ...
详细解释crosstalkn.电信频道之间的串话干扰;相声;英英释义 crosstalk[ 'krs,t:k ]n.the presence of an unwanted signal via an accid...
详细解释checkbookn.支票本(=chequebook); 变形 复数:checkbooks 英英释义 checkbook[ 'tekbuk ]n.a book issued to holders of checki...
详细解释entrywayn.入口通道; 变形 复数:entryways 英英释义 entryway[ 'entri,wei ]n.something that provides access (to get in or ...
详细解释fiber-optic释义[计] 光导纤维;英英释义 fiber-opticadj.of or relating to fiber optics同义词:fiberopticfibre-opticfibreop...
详细解释kickoffn.(足球)开球,(社会集会等)开始;英英释义 kickoff[ 'kikf ]n.(football) a kick from the center of the field to ...
详细解释mastectomyn.乳房切除术; 变形 复数:mastectomies 英英释义 mastectomy[ m'stektmi ]n.surgical removal of a breast to remov...
详细解释drop-offn.急下降,直下降;英英释义 drop-off[ 'drpf ]n.a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality"a drop-off in...
详细解释single-handedlyadv.独力地,单独地;英英释义 single-handedlyadv.without assistance"I built this house single-handedly"同义...
详细解释ranchingn.经营大牧场; 双语释义n.(名词)[C]〈美〉大农场,(兼种果树,养鸡等的)大牧场 large farm,especially for raising ca...
详细解释tidbitn.(美味食物的)一口;小片珍馐;趣闻;小栏报导英英释义 tidbit[ 'tidbit ]n.a small tasty bit of food同义词:choice ...
详细解释inwardlyadv.在内心,秘密地;英英释义 inwardly[ 'inwdli ]adv.with respect to private feelings"inwardly, she was raging"同...
详细解释anglo-americann.盎格鲁血统的美国人;adj.英美的,祖籍英国的美国人的;英英释义 anglo-american[ 'lu'merikn ] American w...