共 168 个单词
panamanianadj.巴拿马的;n.巴拿马人;英英释义 panamanian[ ,pn'meinjn ]n.a native or inhabitant of Panamaadj.of or relatin...
详细解释afro-americann.美国黑人;英英释义 afro-american[ 'fru'merikn ] American whose ancestors were born in Africa同义词:A...
详细解释re-electv.重选,改选; 变形 过去式:re-elected过去分词:re-elected现在分词:re-electing第三人称单数:re-elects 英英释义 ...
详细解释face-liftv.翻新门面,作整形手术;n.翻新; 变形 复数:face-lifts 英英释义 face-lift[ 'feislift ]n.plastic surgery to remo...
详细解释beleagueredadj.受到围困[围攻]的;包围的;v.围攻( beleaguer的过去式和过去分词);困扰;骚扰;英英释义 beleaguer[ bi'li:gd ...
详细解释behind-the-scenesadj.幕后的;英英释义 behind-the-scenes[ bi'haind'si:nz, bi'haind'si:n ]adj.designed and carried out sec...
详细解释sportswritern.(报纸的)体育新闻记者;英英释义 sportswriter[ 'sp:ts,rait ]n.a journalist who writes about sports同义词:...
详细解释pleatedadj.打褶裥的,起褶的;英英释义 pleat[ 'pli:tid ]n.any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upo...
详细解释computerizedv.用计算机做,使计算机化( computerize的过去式);将(资料)存入计算机;用计算机做,使计算机化( computerize的过...
详细解释feel-goodphr.愉悦感,对未来的乐观态度(新闻用语);adj.(电影)令人愉悦的;英英释义 Feel Good"Feel Good"was announced as...
详细解释largemouthn.大口黑鲈;英英释义 largemouth[ 'la:dmau ]n.a large black bass; the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye同义...
详细解释aniln.木蓝属植物,假蓝靛;英英释义 anil[ 'nil ]n.a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically同义词:indigoindi...
详细解释genderedadj. 依照性别而分类的 英英释义 gender[ 'dendd ]n.a grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agr...
详细解释anti-depressantn.抗抑郁药;使人放松(或快乐)的事物;解忧良药; 变形 复数:anti-depressants 英英释义
详细解释practicumn.实习科目,实习课;英英释义 PracticumA practicum is a graduate level course, often in a specialized field of s...
详细解释cornerbackn.(美式橄榄球)侧卫;英英释义 cornerback[ 'k:nbk ]n.a defensive football player stationed outside the linebac...
详细解释op-edadj.(报纸)专栏(版)的,署名评论(版面)的;英英释义 Op-edAn op-ed, abbreviated from opposite the editorial pageO...
详细解释nation-buildingn.国家建构,民族塑造(指旨在构建民族认同感的政府方针);英英释义 Nation-buildingFor nation-building in th...
详细解释born-againadj.再生的,信仰再生的;英英释义 born-again[ 'b:n,gein ]adj.spiritually reborn or converted"a born-again Chris...
详细解释venezuelann.白珍珠;英英释义 venezuelann.a native or inhabitant of Venezuelaadj.of or relating to or characteristic of V...
详细解释drummingv.“drum”的现在分词;问顶;英英释义 drumming[ 'drmi ]n.the act of playing drums"he practiced his drumming sever...
详细解释outfittern.旅行用品商,运动用具商; 变形 复数:outfitters 英英释义 outfitter[ 'aut,fit ]n.someone who sells men's clothe...
详细解释working-classadj.工人阶级的;英英释义 working-class[ ,w:ki'kla:s ]n.a social class comprising those who do manual labor ...
详细解释Croatn.克罗地亚人[语];英英释义 Croat[ 'krut ]n.a member of the Slavic people living in Croatia同义词:Croatian
详细解释croppedadj.裁切不正的;英英释义 cropped[ krpt ]adj.(of land or soil) used for growing crops"cropped soil"
详细解释no-hittern.无安打赛局;英英释义 no-hitter[ 'nu'hit ]n.a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team no hits同义词:...
详细解释golfingn.打高尔夫球;vi.打高尔夫球(golf的ing形式); 双语释义n.(名词)[U]高尔夫球运动 a game in which people hit small har...
详细解释anti-aircraftadj.防空用的;英英释义 anti-aircraft[ 'nti'ekra:ft ]n.artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes同义词...
详细解释half-heartedadj.粗心的;没精打采的,缺乏热情的;并非真心的;半心半意的英英释义 half-hearted[ 'hf'ha:tid, 'ha:f- ]adj.fee...
详细解释cultivarn.栽培品种;英英释义 cultivar[ 'kltiv: ]n.a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained u...