共 330 个单词
meldvt.& vi.(使)融合,合并,结合;n.混合,合并;英英释义 meld[ meld ]n.a form of rummy using two decks of cards and fo...
详细解释irritabilityn.易怒;过敏性;兴奋性;感应性英英释义 irritability[ ,irit'bilti ] irritable petulant feeling同义词:cro...
详细解释great-grandmothern.曾祖母;英英释义 great-grandmother[ ,reit'rnd,m ]n.a mother of your grandparent同义词:great grandmot...
详细解释godmothern.教母;意想不到的恩人,危难时提供帮助的救星; 变形 复数:godmothers 英英释义 godmother[ 'd,m ]n.any woman who ...
详细解释sheepishadj.羞怯的,腼腆的;(像绵羊一样)驯顺的,胆怯的;局促不安的;胆怯的英英释义 sheepish[ 'i:pi ] or sugges...
详细解释disheartenvt.使失去勇气,使失去信心;英英释义 dishearten[ dis'h:tn ]v.take away the enthusiasm of同义词:put off
详细解释ensconcevt.使安坐 ;安置;使安顿; 变形 过去式:ensconced过去分词:ensconced现在分词:ensconcing第三人称单数:ensconces ...
详细解释disobediencen.不服从,不顺从;违抗,违反;英英释义 disobedience[ ,dis'bi:djns ]n.the failure to obey同义词:noncomplianc...
详细解释undemocraticadj.不民主的;非民主的;英英释义 undemocratic[ 'n,dem'krtik ]adj.not in agreement with or according to democ...
详细解释worn-outadj.不能再用(或穿)的,磨破的,穿旧的;破旧;劳瘁;英英释义 worn-out[ 'w:n'aut ]adj.used until no longer useful...
详细解释burned-outadj.烧坏的,疲倦不堪的;英英释义 burned-out[ 'b:nd'aut ]adj.exhausted as a result of longtime stress"she was b...
详细解释southeasternadj.东南的,东南部的;n.东南人,住在东南部的人;英英释义 southeastern[ ,sau'i:stn ]adj.situated in or orient...
详细解释PDAabbr.Personal Digital Assistant 掌上电脑; 变形 复数:PDAs 英英释义 PDAn.a lightweight consumer electronic device tha...
详细解释parkan.风雪大衣; 变形 复数:parkas 英英释义 parka[ 'p:k ]n.a kind of heavy jacket (`windcheater' is a British term)同义...
详细解释streamern.(作装饰用的)彩色纸带;长条旗; 变形 复数:streamers 英英释义 streamer[ 'stri:m ]n.light that streams"streame...
详细解释unworthyadj.不值得的;无价值的;不合适的;可恶的,卑劣的英英释义 unworthy[ ,n'w:i ]adj.lacking in value or merit"dispel ...
详细解释rapprochementn.友好,和睦;〈外〉和解;恢复邦交;英英释义 rapprochement[ ,r:pr'm ]n.the reestablishing of cordial relati...
详细解释tawnyadj.黄褐色的;n.黄褐色;英英释义 tawny[ 't:ni ]adj.of a light brown to brownish orange color; the color of tanned l...
详细解释darkroomn.(冲洗底片的)暗室,暗房;黑屋子; 变形 复数:darkrooms 英英释义 darkroom[ 'd:krum ]n.a room in which photogra...
详细解释swelteringadj.闷热的;热得没气力的;v.热得难受( swelter的现在分词 );英英释义 sweltering[ 'sweltri ]adj.excessively hot ...
详细解释megawattn.兆瓦,百万瓦特(电能计量单位); 变形 复数:megawatts 英英释义 megawatt[ 'mewt ]n.a unit of power equal to one...
详细解释phonologyn.音韵学,语音体系; 变形 复数:phonologies 英英释义 phonology[ fu'nldi ]n.the study of the sound system of a g...
详细解释exhilaratevt.使高兴,使兴奋;adj.使人高兴的,令人兴奋的; 变形 过去式:exhilarated过去分词:exhilarated现在分词:exhilar...
详细解释orchestraladj.管弦乐队(演奏)的,为管弦乐队演奏的;管弦乐队的;英英释义 orchestral[ :'kestrl ]adj.relating to or compos...
详细解释Pueblon.印第安人村庄; 变形 复数:pueblos 英英释义 Pueblo[ 'pweblu; pju'eblu ]n.a member of any of about two dozen Nativ...
详细解释aquaculturen.水产业;水产养殖;英英释义 aquaculture[ 'kw,klt ]n.rearing aquatic animals or cultivating aquatic plants fo...
详细解释aestheticaladj.美学的,审美的,有审美感的;英英释义 aesthetical[ i:s'etikl ]adj.concerning or characterized by an apprec...
详细解释head-onadj.正面的;迎头的;头朝前的;adv.正面地;迎头;头朝前地;英英释义 head-on[ 'hed'n ]adj.characterized by direct o...
详细解释universalityn.普遍性;通用性;普适性;一般性 变形 复数:universalities 英英释义 universality[ ,ju:niv:'slti ]n.the quali...
详细解释culturedadj.有教养的;人工培养的;耕作了的;v.栽培(culture的过去分词);培养;英英释义 cultured[ 'kltd ]adj.marked by ref...
详细解释undeterredadj.未被吓住的;英英释义 undeterred[ ndi't:d ]adj.not deterred"pursued his own path...undeterred by lack of po...