共 330 个单词
mannedadj.(指机器)有人控制的;载人;英英释义 manned[ mnd ]adj.having a crew"a manned earth satellite was considered a ...
详细解释maddenvt.使狂怒,使发狂; 变形 过去式:maddened现在分词:maddening第三人称单数:maddens 英英释义 madden[ 'mdn ]v.cause t...
详细解释unchallengedadj.未受到挑战的;不成问题的;未引起争论的;无异议的英英释义 unchallenged[ 'n'tlidd ]adj.generally agreed up...
详细解释unkemptadj.(头发)蓬乱的,未加梳理的;(言语等)粗野的;邋遢;披头散发英英释义 unkempt[ ,n'kempt ]adj.not neatly combed...
详细解释mistreatvt.虐待; 变形 过去式:mistreated过去分词:mistreated现在分词:mistreating第三人称单数:mistreats 英英释义 mistr...
详细解释unplannedadj.无计划的,未筹划的;英英释义 unplanned[ 'n'plnd ]adj.without apparent forethought or prompting or planning"...
详细解释hemlockn.由毒芹提取的毒药; 变形 复数:hemlocks 英英释义 hemlock[ 'hemlk ]n.poisonous drug derived from an Eurasian plan...
详细解释ethnicaladj.人种的,种族(特有)的;英英释义 ethnical[ 'enikl ]adj.denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways ...
详细解释songbirdn.鸣禽;鸣鸟;女歌手;告密者 变形 复数:songbirds 英英释义 songbird[ 'sb:d, 's:- ]n.any bird having a musical ca...
详细解释narcissistn.自我陶醉者;英英释义 narcissist[ n:'sisist ]n.someone in love with themselves同义词:narcist
详细解释gruelingadj.紧张的,激烈的,使极度疲劳的;adv.紧张地,激烈地;英英释义 grueling[ 'ruli ]adj.characterized by toilsome ef...
详细解释tastelessadj.无味的;味道差的;乏味的;无判断力、鉴赏力等的英英释义 tasteless[ 'teistlis ]adj.lacking flavorlacking aest...
详细解释Philippineadj.菲律宾的,菲律宾人的;英英释义 Philippine[ 'filipi:n ]n.official language of the Philippines; based on Tag...
详细解释aldermann.市府参事,市议员; 变形 复数:aldermen 英英释义 alderman[ ':ldmn ]n.a member of a municipal legislative body (...
详细解释peruvianadj.秘鲁的;n.秘鲁人; 变形 复数:Peruvians 英英释义 peruvian[ p'ru:vjn ]n.a native or inhabitant of Peruadj.of ...
详细解释streetlightn.街灯; 变形 复数:streetlights 英英释义 streetlight[ 'stri:tlait ]n.a lamp supported on a lamppost; for ill...
详细解释Jordanianadj.约旦的,与约旦有关的;n.约旦人,约旦国民;约旦人的后裔; 变形 复数:Jordanians 英英释义 Jordanian[ d:'deini...
详细解释audiotapen.录音磁带;vt.录音; 变形 复数:audiotapes过去式:audiotaped现在分词:audiotaping第三人称单数:audiotapes 英英...
详细解释hotlinen.热线(电话);电话咨询服务专线; 变形 复数:hotlines 英英释义 HotlineHotline is a 1982 made-for-tv thriller fil...
详细解释iguanan.鬣鳞蜥(产于中美洲和南美洲); 变形 复数:iguanas 英英释义 iguana[ i'w:n ]n.large herbivorous tropical American ...
详细解释no-brainern.something that requires little thought,傻瓜都知道的问题; 变形 复数:no-brainers 英英释义 no-brainer[ nu'bre...
详细解释iridescentadj.彩虹色的;(随位置不同而)变色的,闪色的;小配件;英英释义 iridescent[ ,iri'desnt, 'airi- ]adj.varying in ...
详细解释stylizedadj.程式化的;格式化的;v.按固定的传统风格处理某事物( stylize的过去式);英英释义 stylized[ 'stailaizd ]adj.using...
详细解释accordionn.手风琴;adj.可折叠的; 变形 复数:accordions 英英释义 accordion[ 'k:djn ]n.a portable box-shaped free-reed in...
详细解释blacktopn.沥青质原料,柏油路;英英释义 blacktop[ 'blktp ]n.a black bituminous material used for paving roads or other ar...
详细解释racyadj.(风格)活泼的;味美的;不雅的;猥亵的英英释义 racy[ 'reisi ]adj.full of zest or vigor"a racy literary style"同义...