共 330 个单词
oeuvren.全部作品;英英释义 oeuvre[ ':vr ]n.the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)"he studi...
详细解释so-and-son.某某人;某某物;adv.诸如此类地; 变形 复数:so-and-sos 英英释义 so-and-so[ 'sunsu ]n.a person who is deemed t...
详细解释authorialadj.著者的;英英释义 authorial[ :':ril ]adj.of or by or typical of an author"authorial comments"同义词:auctori...
详细解释snickervi.偷笑,窃笑;vt.窃笑着说;n.窃笑; 变形 复数:snickers过去式:snickered过去分词:snickered现在分词:snickering第...
详细解释preschoolern.学龄前儿童; 变形 复数:preschoolers 英英释义 preschooler[ 'pri:'sku:l ]n.a child who attends a preschool o...
详细解释grippingadj.吸引注意力的;v.抓紧( grip的现在分词 );吸引;引起;使感兴趣英英释义 gripping[ 'ripi ]adj.capable of arousin...
详细解释avantadj.(文化或风格上)先进的;英英释义 AVANTAVANT, also known as AVANT street art guerrilla collective, was the artis...
详细解释stubbyadj.短而粗的;英英释义 stubby[ 'stbi ]adj.short and blunt"stubby fingers"; "a stubby pencil"
详细解释motivatorn.激起行为(或行动)的人(或事物),促进因素,激发因素;英英释义 motivator[ 'mutiveit ]n.a positive motivationa...
详细解释seemingadj.表面上的,似乎真实的;n.外观,外貌,表象;v.好像,仿佛( seem的现在分词 );英英释义 seeming[ 'si:mi ]adj.appea...
详细解释schoonern.(有两个以上桅杆的)纵帆船; 变形 复数:schooners 英英释义 schooner[ 'sku:n ]n.a large beer glasssailing vesse...
详细解释furnishedadj.家具,有家具的;v.陈设,布置( furnish的过去式和过去分词);提供,装备;英英释义 furnished[ 'f:nit ]adj.provi...
详细解释sequinn.(衣服上的圆形)闪光装饰片; 变形 复数:sequins 英英释义 sequin[ 'si:kwin ]n.adornment consisting of a small pie...
详细解释emigren.移居者(尤指因政治因素而移居外国者),流亡者; 变形 复数:emigres 英英释义 emigre[ 'emigrei ]n.someone who leave...
详细解释perforationn.穿孔;贯穿;针孔;齿孔 变形 复数:perforations 英英释义 perforation[ ,p:f'rein ]n.a line of small holes for...
详细解释laissez-faireadj.[法]放任主义的,自由放任的;=“laisser-faire”;n.自由放任主义,无干涉主义;英英释义 laissez-fairen.the...
详细解释stand-inn.替身,代替人(或物); 变形 复数:stand-ins 英英释义 stand-in[ 'stndin ]n.someone who takes the place of anoth...
详细解释symbolicaladj.表示像征的,符号的;英英释义 symbolical[ sim'blikl ]adj.relating to or using or proceeding by means of sym...
详细解释well-meaningadj.善意的,好心的;英英释义 well-meaning[ 'wel'mi:ni ]adj.not unfriendly or threatening"her well-meaning wo...
详细解释astoundedv.使震惊(astound的过去式和过去分词);愕然;愕;惊讶英英释义 astounded[ 'staundid ]adj.filled with the emotional...
详细解释floweryadj.用花装饰的;(说话或作品)辞藻华丽的;英英释义 flowery[ 'flauri ]adj.of or relating to or suggestive of flowe...
详细解释postmodernismn.后现代主义;英英释义 postmodernismn.genre of art and literature and especially architecture in reaction a...
详细解释undertonen.低调;低声地;淡色;潜在的感情 变形 复数:undertones 英英释义 undertone[ 'ndtun ]n.a quiet or hushed tone of ...
详细解释kuwaitin.科威特人;adj.科威特的,科威特人的; 变形 复数:Kuwaitis 英英释义 kuwaiti[ ku'weiti ]n.a native or inhabitant o...
详细解释chairmanshipn.主席的地位或身份; 变形 复数:chairmanships 英英释义 chairmanship[ 'tmnip ]n.the position of chairman
详细解释violatorn.违犯者; 变形 复数:violators 英英释义 violator[ 'vaileit ]n.someone who violates the law同义词:lawbreakerlaw...
详细解释individualityn.个人;个性;个人特征; 变形 复数:individualities 英英释义 individuality[ 'indi,vidju'lti, -du- ]n.the qu...
详细解释dynamismn.(人的)活力;精力,魄力;劲头;[哲]物力论,力本学英英释义 dynamism[ 'dainmizm ]n.any of the various theories ...
详细解释deep-seatedadj.深层的;根深蒂固的;牢固的;英英释义 deep-seated[ 'di:p'si:tid ]adj.(used especially of ideas or principl...
详细解释telecommunicationsn.[电]电通信;电信,通讯;电信学;电讯英英释义 telecommunicationn.(often plural) systems used in trans...
详细解释redheadn.红发的人;红头啄木鸟; 变形 复数:redheads 英英释义 redhead[ 'redhed ]n.someone who has red hair同义词:redhead...
详细解释restaurateurn.餐馆老板; 变形 复数:restaurateurs 英英释义 restaurateur[ ,restr't:, -tr- ]n.the proprietor of a restaura...
详细解释statisticiann.统计学家,统计员; 变形 复数:statisticians 英英释义 statistician[ ,stti'stin ]n.a mathematician who speci...