共 330 个单词
ontologicaladj.存在论的,本体论的,实体论的;英英释义 ontological[ ,nt'ldikl ]adj.of or relating to ontology"ontological...
详细解释intifadan.(1987年底爆发的)以色列占领区的巴勒斯坦人暴动;英英释义 intifada[ 'intif:d:, inti'f:d ] uprising by Palesti...
详细解释labor-intensiveadj.劳动密集型的;英英释义 labor-intensive[ leibin'tensiv ]adj.requiring a large expenditure of labor but...
详细解释resellvt.再卖,转售; 变形 过去式:resold过去分词:resold现在分词:reselling第三人称单数:resells 英英释义 resell[ ,ri:'...
详细解释cross-examinationn.反诘问;盘问,严密询问; 变形 复数:cross-examinations 英英释义 cross-examination[ 'krsig,zmi'nein ]n...
详细解释lonern.喜孤独者,不合群者; 变形 复数:loners 英英释义 loner[ 'lun ]n.a person who avoids the company or assistance of o...
详细解释reggaen.瑞格舞(西印度群岛的一种舞蹈及舞曲);英英释义 reggae[ 'reei ]n.popular music originating in the West Indies; re...
详细解释stalking释义围捕,潜近;潜进;英英释义 stalking[ 'st:ki ]n.a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or wait...
详细解释militancyn.战斗性,交战状态;英英释义 militancy[ 'militnsi,-tns ]n.a militant aggressiveness同义词:combativenessmilitan...
详细解释immortalizevt.使永恒;使不灭;使不朽;使名垂千古 变形 过去式:immortalized过去分词:immortalized现在分词:immortalizing第...
详细解释operaticadj.歌剧的;歌剧风格的;英英释义 operatic[ ,p'rtik ]adj.of or relating to or characteristic of opera
详细解释untrueadj.不真实的;不合标准的;不忠实的;非真英英释义 untrue[ ,n'tru: ]adj.not according with the facts"unfortunately t...
详细解释yer释义你的,你们的;英英释义 YerThe letter yer (, , italics , ) of the Cyrillic script, also spelled jer or er, is know...
详细解释untreatedadj.未经处理的;未加工的;未浸渍的;未得到治疗的英英释义 untreated[ 'n'tri:tid ]adj.not given medical care or t...
详细解释regalian.王权;王位的标志(如王冠等);(等级、社团等的)标记;徽章英英释义 regalia[ ri'eili, -j ]n.paraphernalia indica...
详细解释left-wingadj.左派的,左翼的;英英释义 left-wing[ 'leftwi ]n.those who support varying degrees of social or political or ...
详细解释texanadj.德克萨斯(人)的;英英释义 texan[ 'teksn ]n.a native or resident of Texasadj.of or relating to or characteristi...
详细解释gravestonen.墓碑; 变形 复数:gravestones 英英释义 gravestone[ 'reivstun ]n.a stone that is used to mark a grave同义词:...
详细解释cordlessadj.(电话或电动工具)不用电线与电源相连的,无电线的,无塞绳式的;英英释义 cordless[ 'k:dlis ]adj.not having a c...
详细解释decidingv.下决心( decide的现在分词 );(使)决定;解决;裁决英英释义 deciding[ di'saidi ]n.the cognitive process of reac...
详细解释firestormn.大爆发; 变形 复数:firestorms 英英释义 firestorm[ 'faist:m ]n.a storm in which violent winds are drawn into ...
详细解释firepowern.火量;火力;英英释义 firepower[ 'faipau ]n.(military) the relative capacity for delivering fire on a target
详细解释cross-leggedadj.盘着腿的,翘着腿的;二郎腿;英英释义 cross-legged[ 'kr:s'leid ]adv.with the legs crossed"he sat on the f...
详细解释grudgingadj.不情愿的,勉强的;英英释义 grudging[ 'rdi ]adj.of especially an attitude"gave grudging consent"; "grudging a...
详细解释cast-ironadj.铸铁的,坚固的,严格的;英英释义 cast-iron[ 'ka:st'ain ] alloy of iron containing so much carbon that i...
详细解释uncheckedadj.未经检查的;未受抑制的;英英释义 unchecked[ ,n'tekt ]adj.not restrained or controlled"an unchecked temper"同...
详细解释flashingn.闪光,防水板,遮雨板;v.发出闪光( flash的现在分词 );(使)闪现;映出;显示英英释义 flashing[ 'fli ]n.a short ...
详细解释externalizevt.给…以外形,使客观化,使具体化; 变形 过去式:externalized过去分词:externalized现在分词:externalizing第三...
详细解释preservationistn.(对野生动物、自然区、古迹和传统事物等的)保护主义者; 变形 复数:preservationists 英英释义 preservatio...
详细解释purportedlyadv.据称;英英释义 purportedly[ p:'p:tidli, 'p:p-, 'p:pt- ]adv.believed or reputed to be the case同义词:supp...
详细解释oddballadj.古怪的;n.古怪的人; 变形 复数:oddballs 英英释义 oddball[ 'db:l ]n.a person with an unusual or odd personali...
详细解释mind-bogglingadj.令人难以置信的;英英释义 mind-boggling[ 'maind,bli ]adj.intellectually or emotionally overwhelming"a mi...
详细解释ethnographern.民族志学者,人种学者;英英释义 ethnographer[ e'nrf, e'nrfist ] anthropologist who does ethnography