共 330 个单词
unholyadj.不神圣的;不洁净的;邪恶的;不合理的英英释义 unholy[ ,n'huli ]adj.not hallowed or consecrated同义词:unhallowe...
详细解释stringyadj.纤维的;英英释义 stringy[ 'strii ]adj.lean and sinewy同义词:wiry(of meat) full of sinews; especially impossi...
详细解释numberedadj.有限的,时日无多的;v.数,算( number的过去式和过去分词 );给…编号;总共;英英释义 number[ 'nmbd ]n.the prop...
详细解释respondern.回答者;回应者;应答器;响应器英英释义 responder[ ri'spnd ]n.someone who responds同义词:respondentanswerer
详细解释repeatingadj.反复的,重复的;v.重做( repeat的现在分词 );复述;重说;重复发生英英释义 repeating[ ri'pi:ti ]n.the act of ...
详细解释purportedadj.传说的,谣传的;v.声称是…,(装得)像是…的样子( purport的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 purported[ p:'p:tid...
详细解释numbnessn.无感觉,麻木,惊呆;英英释义 numbness[ 'nmnis ]n.partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body; a s...
详细解释mammogramn.乳房X线照片; 变形 复数:mammograms 英英释义 mammogram[ 'mmrm ]n.X-ray film of the soft tissue of the breast
详细解释preoperativeadj.外科手术前的;英英释义 preoperative[ pri:'prtiv, -rei- ]adj.happening or done before and in preparation ...
详细解释methadonen.美沙酮(一种镇静剂);美散痛;英英释义 methadone[ 'medun,-dn ]n.synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine b...
详细解释minutian.(常复数)细节,小事; 变形 复数:minutiae 英英释义 minutia[ mi'nju:i, mai- ]n.a small or minor detail"he had m...
详细解释florentinen.佛罗伦萨人,绫的一种;adj.意大利佛罗伦萨的,佛罗伦萨画派的;英英释义 florentine[ 'flrntain ]n.a native or re...
详细解释chemon.化疗;英英释义 ChemoChemo is a fictional supervillain that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The cha...
详细解释carcinoman.癌; 变形 复数:carcinomas 英英释义 carcinoma[ ,k:si'num ]n.any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissu...
详细解释lupusn.狼疮,天狼座;英英释义 lupus[ 'lju:ps ]n.any of several forms of ulcerative skin diseasea constellation in the so...
详细解释venousadj.静脉的,静脉中的;有脉的;英英释义 venous[ 'vi:ns ]adj.of or contained in or performing the function of the ve...
详细解释bicepsn.二头肌,强健的筋肉; 变形 复数:biceps 英英释义 biceps[ 'baiseps ]n.any skeletal muscle having two origins (but ...
详细解释medialadj.中间的,平均的,向中央延伸的;英英释义 medial[ 'mi:dil ]adj.dividing an animal into right and left halves同义词...
详细解释socialiten.上流社会人士,社交界头面人物; 变形 复数:socialites 英英释义 socialite[ 'sulait ]n.a socially prominent pers...
详细解释runnyadj.流粘液的;流泪的;英英释义 runny[ 'rni ]adj.characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing s...
详细解释present-dayadj.现在的;当今的,现代的;英英释义 present-day[ 'preznt'dei ]adj.belonging to the present time同义词:conte...
详细解释mmmabbr.merchandising;marketing;military medical mobilization 军事医疗动员;millimicron(s) 毫微米英英释义 MMM was a Ru...
详细解释painedadj.悲痛的;受痛苦的;v.使…痛苦(pain的过去式和和过去分词);英英释义 pained[ peind ]adj.hurt or upset"face had a p...
详细解释waresn.货物,商品;商品( ware的名词复数 );制品;作…用的器皿…室的物品;英英释义 ware[ wz ]n.articles of the same kind ...
详细解释LSDabbr.Lysergic acid diethylamide 迷幻药(摇头丸);英英释义 LSD[ ,eles'di: ]n.a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactu...
详细解释sensiblyadv. 明显地;容易感知地;聪明地 英英释义 sensibly[ 'sensbli ]adv.with good sense or in a reasonable or intellige...
详细解释CFCabbr.氟氯碳(chlorofluoro carbon); 变形 复数:CFCs 英英释义 CFC[ ,si: ef 'si: ]n.a fluorocarbon with chlorine; former...
详细解释earphonen.耳机,听筒; 变形 复数:earphones 英英释义 earphone[ 'ifun ]n.electro-acoustic transducer for converting elect...
详细解释preconceivedadj.预想的,先入为主的;英英释义 preconceived[ ,pri:kn'si:vd ]adj.(of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand;...
详细解释cross-sectionaladj.代表性的;英英释义 cross-sectionaladj.of or relating to a cross section"a cross-sectional slice"repre...
详细解释radicalismn.激进主义;基本原理;英英释义 radicalism[ 'rdiklizm ]n.the political orientation of those who favor revolutio...
详细解释GOPabbr.Grand Old Party 大老党(美国共和党的别称);英英释义 GOP[ ,di: u 'pi: ]n.the younger of two major political part...
详细解释weltn.贴边,袜口,伤痕;vt.装饰,鞭打; 变形 复数:welts 英英释义 welt[ welt ]n.a raised mark on the skin (as produced b...
详细解释Mayanadj.玛雅人的,玛雅语的;n.玛雅人,玛雅语;英英释义 Mayan[ 'main, 'ma:jn ]n.a member of an American Indian people of...
详细解释southwardadv.& adj.向南方(的);英英释义 southward[ 'sauwd, 'sd ]n.the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees同义...