共 330 个单词
kenyanadj.肯尼亚的;n.肯尼亚人,肯尼亚国民; 变形 复数:Kenyans 英英释义 kenyan[ 'kenjn; 'ki:n- ]n.a native or inhabitan...
详细解释astrodomen.天体观测窗,天文航行舱;天测窗;英英释义 astrodome[ 'strdum ]n.a transparent dome on top of an airplane where...
详细解释attitudinaladj.态度的,根据(或表示)个人态度的;英英释义 attitudinal[ ,ti'tju:dinl ]adj.of or relating to attitudes
详细解释hystericn.歇斯底里病发作;狂笑;情绪异常激动的人; 变形 复数:hysterics 英英释义 hysteric[ his'terik ]n.a person sufferi...
详细解释puzzlementn.迷惑,费解;谜;英英释义 puzzlement[ 'pzlmnt ]n.confusion resulting from failure to understand同义词:bewild...
详细解释yugoslavadj.南斯拉夫的,南斯拉夫人的;n.南斯拉夫人; 变形 复数:Yugoslavs 英英释义 yugoslav[ 'ju:usl:v ]n.a native or in...
详细解释starship释义恒星飞船;英英释义 starship[ 'st:ip ]n.a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space (especi...
详细解释whistle-blowern.内部举报人; 变形 复数:whistle-blowers 英英释义 whistle-blower[ 'hwisl,blu ] informant who exposes ...
详细解释dealingsn.来往;买卖,交易;英英释义 dealings[ 'di:liz ] or verbal interchange (usually followed by `with')同义词...
详细解释glovedadj.(手)戴着手套的; 双语释义n.(名词)[C]手套 covering of leather, knitted wool, etc. for the hand, usually with ...
详细解释gobblern.雄火鸡;英英释义 gobbler[ 'bl ]n.a hasty eater who swallows large mouthfulsmale turkey同义词:turkey cocktomtom...
详细解释coverallsn.工装裤;英英释义 coverall[ 'kvr:lz ]n.a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing
详细解释matchupn.火柴;比赛;竞赛;匹配v.相配;相称;相比;英英释义 matchup[ 'mt,p ]n.the pairing of people or things as for com...
详细解释apostolicadj.使徒的;英英释义 apostolic[ ,p'stlik,-kl ]adj.of or relating to or deriving from the Apostles or their teac...
详细解释all-importantadj.非常重要的,首要的;英英释义 all-important[ ,:lim'p:tnt ]adj.of the greatest importance"the all-importa...
详细解释coal-firedadj.烧煤的;英英释义 coal-fired[ 'kul,faid ]adj.fueled by burning coal"a coal-fired ship"同义词:coal-burning
详细解释self-governmentn.自治;自制;克己;英英释义 self-government[ 'selfvnmnt ]n.government of a political unit by its own peo...
详细解释brand-nameadj.著名品牌的;英英释义 brand-name[ 'brnd,neim ]n.a name given to a product or service同义词:trade namebrand...
详细解释governorshipn.总督(或州长等地方行政长官)的职位(或职责、任期); 变形 复数:governorships 英英释义 governorship[ 'vnip...
详细解释have-notn.穷人,贫穷国家;英英释义 have-not[ 'hvnt ]n.a person with few or no possessions同义词:poor person
详细解释PVCabbr.polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯;英英释义 PVC[ ,pi:vi:'si: ]n.a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in ...
详细解释Californianadj.加利福尼亚的;n.加利福尼亚人;英英释义 Californian[ ,kli'f:njn ]n.a native or resident of Californiaadj.o...
详细解释balkanadj.巴尔干半岛的;英英释义 balkan[ 'b:lkn ] inhabitant of the Balkan Peninsulaadj.of or denoting or relating t...
详细解释crenateadj.圆锯齿状的;英英释义 crenate[ 'kri:neit ]adj.having a margin with rounded scallops同义词:crenatedscalloped
详细解释colonizern.殖民者,殖民地开拓者,移民; 变形 复数:colonizers 英英释义 colonizer[ 'klnaiz ]n.someone who helps to found ...
详细解释headwatersn.源头,上游;水源;河源;英英释义 headwaters[ 'hedw:tz ]n.the source of a river"the headwaters of the Nile"
详细解释resettlementn.重新定居,重新安置;英英释义 resettlement[ ri'setlmnt; ]n.the transportation of people (as a family or col...
详细解释dyadn.对;双;二价元素;二分体英英释义 dyad[ 'daid ]n.two items of the same kind同义词:couplepairtwosometwainbracespany...
详细解释variegatevt.使成斑驳,使多样化; 变形 过去式:variegated过去分词:variegated现在分词:variegating第三人称单数:variegate...