共 330 个单词
self-helpn.自助,自立;自救行为;英英释义 self-help[ 'self'help ]n.the act of helping or improving yourself without rely...
详细解释shutteredadj.关上百叶窗的;装有百叶窗的; 双语释义n.(名词)[P] 百叶窗 moveable cover (wooden board or screen) for a windo...
详细解释patternedadj.有图案的;组成图案的;v.模仿;以图案装饰;复写;使形成英英释义 patterned[ 'ptnd ]adj.having patterns (espec...
详细解释ballplayern.棒球手; 变形 复数:ballplayers 英英释义 ballplayer[ 'b:l,plei ] athlete who plays baseball同义词:baseb...
详细解释tailbackn.交通堵塞; 变形 复数:tailbacks 英英释义 tailback[ 'teilbk ]n.(football) the person who plays tailbackthe posi...
详细解释snowshoen.雪鞋;vi.穿雪鞋走路; 变形 复数:snowshoes过去式:snowshoed过去分词:snowshoed现在分词:snowshoeing第三人称单数...
详细解释barren.(吉他等)食指按弦变音法;横档;把杆;英英释义 BarreBarre or Barr is both a surname and a given name. Notable peo...
详细解释Somalin.(东非国家)索马里族(人)索马里语; 变形 复数:SomaliSomalis 英英释义 Somali[ su'm:li ]n.a member of a tall dar...
详细解释Albanianadj.阿尔巴尼亚的,阿尔巴尼亚人[语]的;n.阿尔巴尼亚人; 变形 复数:Albanians 英英释义 Albanian[ l'beinin ]n.a nat...
详细解释airwaven.电视,广播的频道; 变形 复数:airwaves 英英释义 airwave[ ',weiv ]n.medium for radio and television broadcasting...
详细解释pitan.(希腊和中东地区的)皮塔饼; 变形 复数:pitas 英英释义 pita[ 'pi:t ]n.usually small round bread that can open into...
详细解释commander-in-chiefn.总司令;指挥主要武装部队的官员; 变形 复数:commanders-in-chief 英英释义 commander-in-chief[ k'ma:nd...
详细解释hard-linern.不妥协者;英英释义 hard-liner[ 'h:d'lain ]n.a conservative who is uncompromising同义词:hardliner
详细解释big-timeadj.一流的,快乐时光;英英释义 big-time[ 'bitaim ]n.the highest level of an occupation (especially in entertainm...
详细解释hatchern.孵卵器;孵卵的动物;筹划者;策划者英英释义 HatcherThe 'Hatcher' mango is a named commercial mango cultivar that...
详细解释messianicadj.救世主的,以救世主自居的,救星似的;英英释义 messianic[ ,mesi'nik ]adj.of or relating to a messiah promisin...
详细解释latter-dayadj.近代的,现代的,当今的;英英释义 latter-day[ 'lt'dei ]adj.belonging to the present or recent times"the lat...
详细解释black-eyedadj.黑眼珠的,黑眼圈的;英英释义 Black-Eyed"Black-Eyed"is a song by English alternative rock band Placebo. It ...
详细解释toll-freeadj.(打电话)由接电话的机构付费的,受付;英英释义 toll-free[ 'tul'fri: ]adj.having no toll levied for its use"...
详细解释heresn.继承者;英英释义 here[ 'hiri:z ]n.the present location; this place"where do we go from here?"queen of the Olympia...
详细解释stichn.诗行,一首诗;英英释义 StichStich is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释remediationn.补习;辅导;补救;纠正英英释义 remediation[ ri,mi:di'ein ]n.act of correcting an error or a fault or an evi...
详细解释old-timeadj.以前的,旧式的,资深的;英英释义 old-time[ 'uld'taim ]adj.attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily au...
详细解释walleyen.角膜白斑,斜视; 变形 复数:walleye 英英释义 walleye[ 'w:lai ]n.strabismus in which one or both eyes are direct...
详细解释warplanen.军用机; 变形 复数:warplanes 英英释义 warplane[ 'w:plein ] aircraft designed and used for combat同义词:m...
详细解释un-americanadj.非美国式的,反美的;英英释义 un-american[ ,n'merikn ]adj.considered contrary to the best interests of the...
详细解释preseasonadj.活跃季节前的,旺季前的;英英释义 preseason[ pri:'si:zn ]n.a period prior to the beginning of the regular se...
详细解释moviegoern.常看电影的人; 变形 复数:moviegoers 英英释义 moviegoer[ 'mu:vi,gu ]n.someone who goes to see movies同义词:m...
详细解释multiracialadj.多种族的;英英释义 multiracial[ ,mlti'reil ]adj.made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various ra...
详细解释Yiddishn.意第绪语,依地语(犹太人使用的国际语);adj.第绪语的,犹太人的;英英释义 Yiddish[ 'jidi ]n.a dialect of High Ge...
详细解释curbsiden.靠近路缘的人行道部分,路边;英英释义 curbside[ 'k:bsaid ]n.the side of a sidewalk that is bordered by a curb"p...