共 44 个单词
BFT全国出国培训备选人员外语考试核心高频词汇相关的的单词有【miniature camera】【hot button】【moral sense】【building code】【foreign aid】【elicitation】【ill-informed】【leaded】【top-rated】【death rate】【private life】【prescription drug】【overstay】【Clinical trials】【switch to】【L】【unprincipled】【refer to as】【a must】【cater to】【heart disease】【demerit】【exhausting】【attribute to】【approach to】【make a fortune】【higher education】【spy on】【tell apart】【oversea】【cross-cultural】【apply for】【in addition】【close to】【y-axis】【x-axis】【if only】【focus on】【rather than】【contrary to】等。
miniature cameran.小型照相机;英英释义 Miniature cameraWhen still cameras using 35 mm film, originally used for cinemato...
详细解释moral sense释义是非感;羞恶之心;英英释义 moral sense n.motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles t...
详细解释building code释义建筑规范;英英释义 building code n.set of standards established and enforced by local government for th...
详细解释foreign aidn.外援;英英释义 foreign aid n.aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by anothe...
详细解释elicitationn.引出;诱出;抽出;启发英英释义 elicitation[ i,lisi'tein ]n.stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a partic...
详细解释leadedadj.行间空格特别大的;英英释义 leaded[ 'ledid ]adj.(of panes of glass) fixed in place by means of thin strips of l...
详细解释death raten.死亡率; 变形 复数:death rates 英英释义 death rate n.the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of th...
详细解释private life释义私生活;英英释义 Private LifePrivate Life (, translit. Chastnaya zhizn) is a seldom seen 1982 Soviet fil...
详细解释prescription drugn.须医师处方才可买的药品;英英释义 prescription drug n.a drug that is available only with written instr...
详细解释Clinical trialsn.临床试验( clinical trial的名词复数 );英英释义 Clinical TrialsClinical Trials, subtitled as Journal of ...
详细解释L释义英语字母表的第12个字母;英英释义 L[ el ]n.a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water...
详细解释unprincipledadj.不道德的;肆无忌惮的;不诚实的;无原则的英英释义 unprincipled[ ,n'prinspld ]adj.lacking principles or mo...
详细解释heart diseasen.心脏病;英英释义 heart disease n.a disease of the heart同义词:heart conditioncardiopathy
详细解释demeritn.缺点,过失,短处; 变形 复数:demerits 英英释义 demerit[ di:'merit ]n.a mark against a person for misconduct or...
详细解释higher educationna.高等教育;英英释义 higher education provided by a college or university
详细解释tell apart释义辨别,分别;英英释义 tell apart v.detect with the senses同义词:recognizerecognisedistinguishdiscernpick o...
详细解释overseaadj.外国的,海外的;adv.向国外;向海外;在国外;在海外英英释义 oversea[ 'uv'si: ]adj.being or passing over or acr...
详细解释cross-culturaladj.超越一种文化的,比较各种文化的;英英释义 cross-cultural[ 'krs'kltrl ]adj.dealing with or comparing two...
详细解释in additionadv.另外;除此之外;并且;况且英英释义 in addition way of addition; furthermore同义词:additionallyto ...
详细解释close to释义离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近英英释义 close to adv.(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct同...
详细解释y-axisn.Y轴,纵坐标轴; 变形 复数:y-axes 英英释义 y-axis[ 'wai,ksis ]n.the vertical axis in a plane coordinate system
详细解释if onlyadv.只要;但愿;英英释义 If OnlyIf Only is a 1999 autobiography by Geri Halliwell, written after she left the Spi...