共 73 个单词
BEC中级单词书相关的的单词有【sales and marketing】【case load】【parental leave】【chauffer】【take the minutes】【social norm】【regular hours】【disciplinary procedures】【flexible hours】【once-in-a-lifetime】【entrepreneurial spirit】【invigilator】【hot-desking】【with a pinch of salt】【job-sharing】【lower case】【in bold】【sole trader】【internal communication】【target audience】【coffee break】【direct speech】【low carbon】【dance floor】【knockback】【fan base】【TV commercial】【in-country】【unglamorous】【in the loop】【ear plug】【loyalty card】【tour operator】【call center】【lesser-known】【marketing campaign】【record label】【cross-culture】【multi-national】【ASA】等。
case loadn.病例数;英英释义 case load n.the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
详细解释parental leave释义育婴假,亲子假;英英释义 Parental leaveParental leave is an employee benefit that provides paid or unp...
详细解释disciplinary procedures英英释义 Disciplinary proceduresDisciplinary procedures, are used to enforce a deliberative assem...
详细解释once-in-a-lifetimeadj.千载难逢的;英英释义 Once in a LifetimeOnce in a Lifetime, also known as Danielle Steel's Once in ...
详细解释invigilatorn.监考人;监视器; 变形 复数:invigilators 英英释义 invigilator[ in'vidileit ]n.someone who watches examinati...
详细解释job-sharingn.轮班制;英英释义 Job sharingJob sharing or work sharing is an employment arrangement where typically two pe...
详细解释lower casen.小写字母盘;英英释义 lower case n.the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type c...
详细解释target audience释义目标听众;英英释义 Target audienceIn marketing and advertising, a target audience, is a specific grou...
详细解释coffee break释义喝咖啡时间; 变形 复数:coffee breaks 英英释义 coffee break n.a snack taken during a break in the work d...
详细解释direct speechn.直接引语;英英释义 Direct speechDirect or quoted speech is a sentence (or several sentences) that reports...
详细解释dance floorn.舞池; 变形 复数:dance floors 英英释义 dance floor n.a bare floor polished for dancing
详细解释in-countryadj.国内作业的,国境内的;英英释义 In CountryIn Country is a 1992 compilation album from Swedish pop and count...
详细解释unglamorousadj.没有魅力的;无浪漫色彩的;乏味的;单调的英英释义 unglamorous[ n'glmrs ]adj.not challenging; dull and lack...
详细解释ear plug释义耳塞;英英释义 EarplugSilicone rubber earplugs for protection against water, dust etc.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释tour operatorn.旅游经营者; 变形 复数:tour operators 英英释义 Tour operatorA tour operator typically combines tour and ...
详细解释call center释义呼叫中心;英英释义 call center n.a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especiall...
详细解释record label释义记录标记;英英释义 Record labelA record label is a brand and/or a trademark associated with the marketin...
详细解释multi-nationaladj.多民族的,多国家的;英英释义 multi-nationaladj.involving or operating in several nations or nationalit...