共 107 个单词
ACT科学词汇相关的的单词有【calcium carbonate】【taproot】【macronutrient】【phenolphthalein】【phenanthrene】【radioactive decay】【photodecomposition】【tetraethyl lead】【tetanic】【igneous rock】【reddish-brown】【ammonium nitrate】【ammonium chloride】【amperemeter】【Genera】【independent variable】【renature】【ultramafic】【nanogram】【retinoid】【opossum】【covalent bond】【epipelagic】【trematode】【trioxide】【drainage basin】【rock candy】【pupae】【cyanate】【full moon】【ethylene glycol】【brown paper】【isooctane】【vulcanism】【dolomite】【piezometer】【mudstone】【protist】【alcohol burner】【diethyl】等。
calcium carbonaten.碳酸钙;英英释义 calcium carbonate n.a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or aragonite or limes...
详细解释taprootn.(植物的)主根,直根; 变形 复数:taproots 英英释义 taproot[ 'tpru:t, -rut ]n.(botany) main root of a plant gro...
详细解释phenolphthaleinn.酚酞;英英释义 phenolphthalein[ ,fi:nl'fliin, -li:n ]n.a laxative used in many preparations under vario...
详细解释radioactive decay释义放射衰变;英英释义 radioactive decay n.the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance al...
详细解释tetraethyl leadn.四乙铅;英英释义 tetraethyl lead n.a clear oily poisonous liquid added to gasoline to prevent knocking同...
详细解释tetanicadj.破伤风的,僵直的;n.痉挛诱起剂;英英释义 tetanic[ ti'tnik, te-, t- ]adj.of or relating to or causing tetanyof...
详细解释igneous rock释义火成岩;英英释义 igneous rock n.rock formed by the solidification of molten magma
详细解释reddish-brownadj.红褐色的;n.红褐色;英英释义 reddish-brown[ redi'braun ]n.a shade of brown with a tinge of red同义词:r...
详细解释ammonium nitraten.硝酸铵;英英释义 ammonium nitrate n.used as an explosive and fertilizer and rocket propellant
详细解释ammonium chloriden.氯化铵,卤砂;英英释义 ammonium chloride n.a white salt used in dry cells同义词:sal ammoniac
详细解释Generan.类,属;亏格;英英释义 GeneraGenera is a commercial operating system and development environment for Lisp machin...
详细解释independent variable释义自变数,自变量;英英释义 independent variable n.(statistics) a variable whose values are indepen...
详细解释opossumn.尾有卷握力的小有袋动物;负鼠;装死;装蒜 变形 复数:opossums 英英释义 opossum[ 'psm ]n.small furry Australian a...
详细解释covalent bondn.共价键;英英释义 covalent bond n.a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms ...
详细解释trematoden.& adj.吸虫(的);英英释义 trematode[ 'tremtud, 'tri:- ]n.parasitic flatworms having external suckers for att...
详细解释trioxiden.三氧化物;英英释义 trioxide[ trai'ksaid ] oxide containing three atoms of oxygen in the molecule
详细解释drainage basinn.流域,流域盆地;英英释义 drainage basin n.the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir同义词...
详细解释rock candyn.冰糖;英英释义 rock candy n.hard bright-colored stick candy (typically flavored with peppermint)同义词:rock...
详细解释cyanaten.氰酸盐;英英释义 CyanateThe cyanate ion is an anion with the chemical formula written as [OCN]− or [NCO]−. In...
详细解释full moon释义满月;望月;盈月;月轮英英释义 full moon n.the time when the moon is fully illuminated同义词:full-of-the-m...
详细解释ethylene glycol释义乙二醇;甘醇;英英释义 ethylene glycol n.a sweet but poisonous syrupy liquid used as an antifreeze an...
详细解释dolomiten.白云石;英英释义 dolomite[ 'dlmait ]n.a kind of sedimentary rock resembling marble or limestone but rich in ma...
详细解释piezometern.压力计,压强计;压力表;英英释义 piezometer[ ,pai'zmit, pi:- ]n.a measuring instrument for measuring high pr...
详细解释mudstonen.泥岩;英英释义 MudstoneMudstone formation on [[Lyme Regis East Beach.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释protistn.原生生物;英英释义 protist[ 'prutist ] or colonial organisms with diverse nutritional and reproduc...