共 245 个单词
A-Game-of-Thrones-冰与火之歌第一册相关的的单词有【scabbed】【scrollwork】【scuffling】【scrubwoman】【septa】【caparison】【packhorse】【catspaw】【shinguard】【sheepherder】【sigil】【sickroom】【shutt】【cheesemonger】【skirl】【bannerman】【smallclothes】【maidenhead】【basting】【bast】【baseborn】【aery】【teasy】【deadwood】【pillared】【southron】【spearman】【spik】【ratcatcher】【ratter】【bellied】【destrier】【featherbed】【beyond a doubt】【in one's cups】【timbered】【stableman】【standardbearer】【poole】【potboy】等。
scabbedadj.有疙瘩的,生疥癣的;英英释义 scab[ 'skbd ]n.someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike同义词:st...
详细解释scrollworkn.漩涡形装饰,蔓叶花样;英英释义 ScrollworkScrollwork is an element of ornamentation and graphic design featur...
详细解释scufflingv.扭打,混战( scuffle的现在分词 );英英释义 scuffle[ 'skfli ]n.disorderly fighting同义词:hassletussledogfightr...
详细解释septan.隔片,隔壁(seprum的复数);隔膜( septum的名词复数 );英英释义 SeptaSepta is a genus of small to large predatory se...
详细解释caparisonn.(装饰)马衣,华丽衣服;vt.覆以马衣,使穿华服; 变形 复数:caparisons过去式:caparisoned过去分词:caparisoned...
详细解释catspawn.受人利用者;英英释义 CatspawCatspaw is a 1978 Australian TV series about an airforce officer who becomes involv...
详细解释sheepherdern.牧羊人,养羊的人;英英释义 sheepherder[ 'i:p,h:d ]n.a herder of sheep (on an open range); someone who keeps...
详细解释sigiln.图章;印记;魔符;魔诀英英释义 SigilSigil is a fictional city and the center of the Planescape campaign setting f...
详细解释sickroomn.病房; 变形 复数:sickrooms 英英释义 sickroom[ 'sikru(:)m ]n.a room to which a sick person is confined
详细解释bannermann.旗手,海军少校;英英释义 BannermanBannerman is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:...
详细解释maidenheadn.处女膜;英英释义 maidenhead[ 'meidnhed ]n.a fold of tissue that partly covers the entrance to the vagina of ...
详细解释bastn.韧皮纤维, (尤指)椴树纤维;内皮;英英释义 bast[ bst ]n.strong woody fibers obtained especially from the phloem o...
详细解释basebornadj.出身微贱的,庶生的;英英释义 baseborn[ 'beisb:n ]adj.of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sens...
详细解释aeryn.高处的巢,高处的房子或城堡;adj.天空中的;飘渺的; 变形 复数:aeries 英英释义 aery[ 'ri ]n.the lofty nest of a bir...
详细解释deadwoodn.枯枝,碎屑,朽木;死木;英英释义 deadwood[ 'dedwud ]n.a branch or a part of a tree that is deadsomeone or some...
详细解释southronn.南部人,英格兰人,南方人;英英释义 SouthronSouthron is a term meaning "a person from the south". It is uncommo...
详细解释spearmann.枪兵; 变形 复数:spearmen 英英释义 SpearmanSpearman is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上...
详细解释spikn.美籍西班牙人,在美国讲西班牙语的人;英英释义 spik[ spik ]n.offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent同...
详细解释ratcatchern.捕鼠者,灭鼠者;英英释义 RatcatcherRatcatcher is informal attire worn when fox hunting and consists primaril...
详细解释rattern.捕鼠者,叛变者;英英释义 rattern.a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political par...
详细解释belliedadj.有腹的,大肚子的;英英释义 bellied[ 'belid ]adj.having a belly; often used in combinationcurving outward同义词...
详细解释destriern.军马;英英释义 DestrierThe destrier is the best-known war horse of the medieval era. It carried knights in bat...
详细解释featherbedv.(使)任闲职;adj.任闲职的;英英释义 featherbed[ 'febed ]n.a mattress stuffed with feathers同义词:feather b...
详细解释timberedadj.木造的,用木材的,森林的;英英释义 timbered[ 'timbd ]adj.furnished with or made of wood or timbers"timbered ...
详细解释stablemann.马夫; 变形 复数:stablemen 英英释义 stableman[ 'steiblmn ]n.someone employed in a stable to take care of the...