共 265 个单词
2006年至2015年考研英语一真题词汇相关的的单词有【be-】【cross-】【ultra-】【post-】【pro-】【super-】【fore-】【mal-】【intra-】【con-】【en-】【dependent on】【undistracted】【pseudo-】【therm-】【under-】【self-】【infra-】【bio-】【inter-】【macro-】【tri-】【semi-】【out-】【by-】【tele-】【mid-】【mono-】【mis-】【auto-】【un-】【bi-】【aero-】【The Times】【nonhuman】【treasure-house】【news feature】【for my part】【take effort】【bar exam】等。
be-pref.加于名词,形容词等之前,形成动词而表不同意义;英英释义 be-[ bi ]n.a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent met...
详细解释cross-pref.表示“横过,相反”之义;英英释义 cross-[ krs ]n.a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a trans...
详细解释ultra-pref.表示“极端,过度”之义;超;英英释义 ultra-[ 'ltr ]adj.(used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm同义...
详细解释post-pref.表示“在…后”之义;英英释义 post-[ pust- ]n.the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is as...
详细解释pro-pref.表示“居前,领先”之义;亲;英英释义 pro-[ pru- ]n.an athlete who plays for pay同义词:professionalproan argume...
详细解释super-pref.表示“在…上,加之”之义;高于;过;超英英释义 super-[ 'sju:p ]n.a caretaker for an apartment house; represen...
详细解释fore-pref.表示“在前,在先”之义;英英释义 fore-[ f: ]n.front part of a vessel or aircraft同义词:bowforeprowstemadj.sit...
详细解释mal-pref.表示“坏,错误”之义;英英释义 MalThe Mal are a Hindu caste found in the state of West Bengal. They are also kn...
详细解释intra-pref.表示“在内”之义;英英释义 IntraIntra is a Norwegian industrial design and manufacturing company.以上来源于:W...
详细解释con-pref.表示“共同,联合”之义;英英释义 con-[ kn ]n.an argument opposed to a proposal同义词:cona person serving a sen...
详细解释dependent on英英释义 dependent on adj.determined by conditions or circumstances not yet established同义词:contingentcon...
详细解释pseudo-pref.表示“伪,假拟,虚”之义;英英释义 pseudo-[ 'psju:du, 'psu:- ]n.a person who makes deceitful pretenses同义词...
详细解释therm-pref.表示“热,热电”之义;英英释义 therm-[ :m ]n.a unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units同义词:the...
详细解释under-pref.表示“在…下,次于”之义;英英释义 under-[ 'nd ]adj.located below or beneath something else同义词:netherunde...
详细解释self-n.自我;英英释义 self-[ self ]n.your consciousness of your own identity同义词:selfegoa person considered as a uniq...
详细解释inter-pref.表示“在一起,交互”之义;英英释义 inter-[ 'int ]v.place in a grave or tomb同义词:buryentombinhumeinterlay t...
详细解释macro-pref.表示“大的,长的”之义;英英释义 macro-[ 'mkru ]n.a single computer instruction that results in a series of i...
详细解释tri-pref.表示“三”之义;三次;三组;英英释义 TriTri is a two- or three-player matching card game in which players attem...
详细解释semi-pref.表示“半,不完全地”之义;英英释义 semi-[ 'sem(a)i- ]n.one of the two competitions in the next to the last rou...
详细解释out-pref.表示“向外,出外”;英英释义 out-[ aut ]n.(baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in ...
详细解释by-pref.表示“次要的,附带的”之义;英英释义 by-[ bai ]adv.so as to pass a given point同义词:bypastin reserve; not for ...
详细解释tele-pref.表示“远距离传递,电视”之义;英英释义 TeleTele is a German Rock/Pop-band from Freiburg (now Berlin).以上来源于...
详细解释mid-pref.表示“中,中部”之义;英英释义 mid-[ mid ]adj.used in combination to denote the middle"in mid-1958"; "a mid-Jun...
详细解释mono-pref.表示“单一”之义;英英释义 mono-[ 'mnu ]n.an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and ...
详细解释auto-pref.表示“自己,独自”之义;自体;英英释义 auto-[ ':tu ]n.a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by a...
详细解释un-pref.用于形容词之前,表示“不”;英英释义 un-[ n ]n.an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote i...
详细解释bi-pref.表示“有二的,双边的”之义;英英释义 bi-[ bai ]n.a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembl...
详细解释aero-pref.表示“空气,空中”之义;英英释义 AeroThe Aero was the creation of Narazo Shamazu, who had built motorcycles un...
详细解释nonhumanadj.非人类的;英英释义 nonhuman[ ,nn'hju:mn ]adj.not human; not belonging to or produced by or appropriate to hu...
详细解释treasure-housen.宝库;英英释义 treasure-housen.a storehouse for treasures同义词:treasure house