共 65 个单词
鸭圈雅思核心词相关的的单词有【card index】【silver paper】【single-sex】【pay cash】【petty crime】【advertising industry】【advanced technology】【rainwear】【closed down】【bearing in mind】【air travel】【theoretical knowledge】【department head】【game room】【In other word】【general knowledge】【incineration plant】【fitness level】【leisure centre】【water treatment】【life assurance】【international cooperation】【queen size】【white board】【no idea】【essay writing】【Business management】【police force】【water power】【working condition】【business plan】【online game】【international community】【bus ticket】【age limit】【pay the bill】【bottle top】【flash light】【voluntary work】【entertainment industry】等。
card indexn.卡片索引; 变形 复数:card indexes 英英释义 card index n.an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a ...
详细解释game room释义娱乐室;英英释义 game room n.a recreation room for noisy activities (parties or children's play etc)同义词:...
详细解释general knowledge释义常识;人所共知的事;英英释义 general knowledge n.knowledge that is available to anyone同义词:publi...
详细解释leisure centrena.娱乐中心; 变形 复数:leisure centres 英英释义 Leisure centreA leisure centre in the UK, Ireland, Austr...
详细解释water treatment释义水处理,水的净化;英英释义 Water treatmentWater treatment describes those industrial-scale processes ...
详细解释life assurancen.人寿保险;(保险公司付给的)人寿保险金;(被保险人缴纳的)人寿保险费;英英释义 life assurance n.insuranc...
详细解释queen size英英释义 queen size adj.(used especially of beds) not as large as king-size同义词:queen-sizequeen-sized
详细解释white board释义白纸板;英英释义 WhiteboardA whiteboard (also known by the terms markerboard, dry-erase board, dry-wipe b...
详细解释police forcen.警察部门;警察机关; 变形 复数:police forces 英英释义 police force n.the force of policemen and officers同...
详细解释water powern.水力;英英释义 water power n.the power to do work that is latent in a head of water同义词:waterpower
详细解释online game英英释义 Online gameAn online game is a video game played over some form of computer network. This network is...
详细解释international community释义[法] 国际社会;英英释义 International communityThe international community is a phrase used i...
详细解释age limit释义工作年限,退休年龄,年龄限制; 变形 复数:age limits 英英释义 age limit n.regulation establishing the maxim...
详细解释flash light释义[电] 闪光灯;英英释义 flash light n.a small portable battery-powered electric lamp同义词:flashlighttorch
详细解释entertainment industry释义娱乐业;英英释义 entertainment industry n.those involved in providing entertainment: radio and...