共 73 个单词
traceabilityn.可描绘,可描写,可追溯;追源;可追踪性;英英释义 TraceabilityTraceability is the ability to verify the his...
详细解释listsn.竞技场;一览表( list的名词复数 );目录;名单清单;英英释义 list[ 'lists ]n.a database containing an ordered array...
详细解释conformancen.顺应,一致;英英释义 conformance[ kn'f:mns ]n.correspondence in form or appearance同义词:conformity
详细解释sequencingn.先后顺序;定序;英英释义 sequence[ 'si:kwnsi ]n.serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order o...
详细解释parametricadj.参(变)数的,参(变)量的;英英释义 parametric[ ,pr'metrik ]adj.of or relating to or in terms of a parame...
详细解释achievedadj.高度完美的;v.取得( achieve的过去式和过去分词 );获得;实现;成功英英释义 achieve[ 'ti:vd ]v.to gain with ef...
详细解释adjustedadj.调整过的;v.(改变…以)适应,调整,校正( adjust的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 adjusted[ 'dstid ]adj.altered...
详细解释placed释义放置;英英释义 placed[ pleist ]adj.situated in a particular spot or position"strategically placed artillery"同...
详细解释iterativeadj. [数] 迭代的;重复的,反复的n. 反复体 英英释义 iterative[ 英 ['trtv] 美 ['tretv] ]n.the aspect of the verb ...
详细解释scenariosn.[意]情节;剧本;事态;脚本英英释义 scenario[ si'na:riu ]n.an outline or synopsis of a play (or, by extension,...
详细解释impactedadj.压紧的,结实的;冲击式;英英释义 impacted[ im'pktid ]adj.wedged or packed in together"an impacted tooth"同义...
详细解释collectingv.收集( collect的现在分词 );收到;收藏;聚积 双语释义v.(动词)vt. 收集; 搜集 get from a number of persons or p...
详细解释comparedadj.比较的,对照的; 双语释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 比较,对照 show or find out in what ways two or more things are li...
详细解释communicationsn.通信;交流( communication的名词复数 );交际;信息通信工具;英英释义 communications[ kmju:ni'kei()nz ]n.t...
详细解释undertakenv.担任( undertake的过去分词 );保证;着手;承诺英英释义 undertakev.enter upon an activity or enterprise同义词:...
详细解释understoodv.懂,理解( understand的过去式和过去分词 );了解;默认;听说英英释义 understood[ ,nd'stud ]adj.fully apprehend...
详细解释lexiconn.词典;专门词汇; 变形 复数:lexicons 英英释义 lexicon[ 'leksikn ]n.a language user's knowledge of words同义词:...
详细解释benchmarking释义(企业管理上的)标杆学习;英英释义 benchmark[ 'bent,m:ki ]n.a standard by which something can be measure...
详细解释automatedadj.自动化的;v.自动化(automate的过去分词);自动操;英英释义 automated[ ':tumeitid ]adj.operated by automation"...
详细解释resultingadj.作为结果的,因而发生的;v.发生( result的现在分词 );导致;随着发生;结果发生英英释义 resulting[ ri'zlti ]ad...
详细解释remainingadj.剩余的,剩下的;v.剩余,剩下(remain的现在分词);保持;停留,逗留;英英释义 remaining[ ri'meini ]adj.not use...
详细解释metricsn.韵律学,作诗法;英英释义 metrics[ 'metriks ]n.the study of poetic meter and the art of versification同义词:pro...
详细解释reviewern.评论家,评论者; 变形 复数:reviewers 英英释义 reviewer[ ri'vju: ]n.someone who reads manuscripts and judges t...
详细解释approvingadj.满意的;v.赞成,同意( approve的现在分词 );批准;认可;核准英英释义 approving[ 'pru:vi ]n.the formal act of...
详细解释progressivelyadv.前进地,日益增加地;逐步;英英释义 progressively[ pr'gresivli ]adv.advancing in amount or intensity同义...
详细解释feasibilityn.可行性;可能性;现实性;英英释义 feasibility[ ,fi:z'biliti ]n.the quality of being doable同义词:feasiblene...