共 235 个单词
韦氏图解词典食物与厨房相关的的单词有【sea kale】【sea bass】【cannelloni】【casaba】【cayenne pepper】【celeriac】【celtuce】【challah】【paupiette】【chayote】【chateaubriand】【chanterelle】【cherimoya】【penne】【balsamic vinegar】【tagliatelle】【tahini】【tamarillo】【snow pea】【macadamia nut】【cleaning supplies】【radicchio】【phyllo】【coatroom】【coat check】【aiguillette】【spaghettini】【sparerib】【masala】【beechnut】【red cabbage】【redfish】【red kidney bean】【plum tomato】【feijoa】【tilapia】【fiddlehead】【langoustine】【gas range】【tomatillo】等。
sea kalen.海甘蓝(欧洲产的一种肥厚蔬菜);英英释义 sea kale n.perennial of coastal sands and shingles of northern Europe...
详细解释sea bassn.黑鲈,鲈科鱼的总称(尤指巨大的硬磷类);英英释义 sea bass n.the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family S...
详细解释cannellonin.(意大利的)烤碎肉卷子;英英释义 cannelloni[ ,kn'luni ]n.tubular pasta filled with meat or cheese
详细解释casaban.甜瓜的一种(产于小亚细亚卡萨巴); 变形 复数:casabas 英英释义 casaba[ k's:b ]n.melon having yellowish rind and ...
详细解释cayenne peppern.辣椒;辣子;红椒;英英释义 cayenne pepper n.plant bearing very hot and finely tapering long peppers; usu...
详细解释celeriacn.块根芹;根芹菜;英英释义 celeriac[ si'lerik ]n.grown for its thickened edible aromatic root同义词:celery root...
详细解释celtucen.一种青菜;英英释义 celtuce[ 'selts ]n.lettuce valued especially for its edible stems同义词:stem lettuceLactuca...
详细解释challahn.白面包(犹太教在安息日或其他假日食用的);英英释义 challah[ 'h:l ]n.(Judaism) a loaf of white bread containing ...
详细解释paupietten.肉卷,鱼卷;英英释义 PaupietteA paupiette is a piece of meat, beaten thin, and rolled with a stuffing of vege...
详细解释chateaubriandn.烤大牛排;英英释义 chateaubriand[ 'tubrind ]n.French statesman and writer; considered a precursor of the ...
详细解释chanterellen.一种食用的蘑菇;英英释义 chanterelle[ ,tnt'rel, t'rel ]n.widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in ...
详细解释cherimoyan.番荔枝(产于南美洲),番荔枝的果实;英英释义 cherimoya[ ,teri'mi ]n.small tropical American tree bearing roun...
详细解释balsamic vinegarn.意大利香脂醋;英英释义 Balsamic vinegarBalsamic vinegar () is a condiment originating from Italy.以上来...
详细解释tagliatellen.意大利干面条;英英释义 tagliatelle[ ,tlj'teli, t:lj:'tele ]n.pasta cut in narrow ribbons
详细解释tahinin.(中东地区调味用的)芝麻酱;英英释义 tahini[ t:'hi:ni, t- ]n.a thick Middle Eastern paste made from ground sesam...
详细解释tamarillon.番茄;英英释义 tamarillo[ ,tm'rilu ]n.South American arborescent shrub having pale pink blossoms followed by ...
详细解释snow pean.糖荚豌豆; 变形 复数:snow peas 英英释义 snow pea n.variety of pea plant producing peas having thin flat edibl...
详细解释macadamia nut释义澳洲坚果,夏威夷坚果;英英释义 macadamia nut n.small Australian tree with racemes of pink flowers; wide...
详细解释radicchion.菊苣;英英释义 radicchio[ r'di:kju ]n.prized variety of chicory having globose heads of red leaves
详细解释phyllon.(制酥点用的)擀成极薄层的生面;英英释义 phyllo[ 'fi:lu, 'fai- ]n.tissue thin sheets of pastry used especially i...
详细解释coatroomn.寄物处,衣帽间;英英释义 coatroom[ 'kut,ru:m ]n.a room where coats and other articles can be left temporarily同...
详细解释spareribn.小排骨,带肉肋骨;英英释义 sparerib[ sp'rib ]n.a cut of pork ribs with much of the meat trimmed off
详细解释masalan.马萨拉,五菱菜饺;英英释义 MASALAMASALA (Massachusetts Area South Asian Lambda Association) is a Boston-based or...
详细解释beechnutn.山毛榉坚果;英英释义 beechnut[ 'bi:tnt ]n.small sweet triangular nut of any of various beech trees
详细解释red cabbage释义红球甘蓝; 变形 复数:red cabbages 英英释义 red cabbage n.cabbage plant with a compact head of reddish pu...
详细解释redfishn. 鲑,雄鲑[ 复数 redfish或redfishes ]英英释义 redfish[ 'redfi ]n.North Atlantic rockfish同义词:rosefishocean pe...
详细解释plum tomaton.李形番茄;蛋形番茄; 变形 复数:plum tomatoes 英英释义 plum tomato n.a kind of cherry tomato that has an ob...
详细解释feijoan.费约果属植物,费约果;英英释义 feijoa[ fei'du ]n.South American shrub having edible greenish plumlike fruit同义词...
详细解释fiddleheadn.(像提琴头的)船首饰;蜗形船首饰物;蕨菜;英英释义 fiddlehead[ 'fidlhed ]n.tall fern of northern temperate r...
详细解释langoustinen.(挪威)海螯虾;小龙虾;英英释义 langoustine[ ,lu:'sti:n ]n.caught in European waters; slenderer than Ameri...
详细解释gas range释义瓦斯炉具;英英释义 gas range n.a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas同义词:gas stovegas ...