共 157 个单词
雅思王陆听力语料库Chapter5相关的的单词有【tertiary education】【farewell party】【midmorning】【non-stop flight】【connecting flight】【on campus】【sedentary lifestyle】【dress rehearsal】【terrestrial heat】【pink slip】【deliver a speech】【placement test】【sound effect】【volcanic dust】【main hall】【fishing boat】【media room】【nursing care】【kitchen table】【agrarian reform】【irrigable land】【tilled land】【barren land】【fish tank】【stiff neck】【casual clothes】【local resident】【crime rate】【call slip】【familiar with】【a great variety of】【sandglass】【rural area】【blood flow】【violent crime】【field work】【charitable organization】等。
tertiary education释义高等教育;英英释义 Tertiary educationStudents attend a lecture at a tertiary institution.以上来源于...
详细解释farewell partyn.惜别会;英英释义 Farewell Party"Farewell Party"is a single by American country music artist Gene Watson....
详细解释non-stop flight释义直飞航线;英英释义 nonstop flight n.a flight made without intermediate stops between source and desti...
详细解释connecting flightv.转接班机;英英释义 connecting flight n.a flight with an intermediate stop and a change of aircraft (p...
详细解释on campusadv.在校内;英英释义 On CampusOn Campus is a novelty single recorded by Dickie Goodman. It was released in 1969...
详细解释sedentary lifestyle英英释义 Sedentary lifestyleIncreases in sedentary behaviors such as watching television are characte...
详细解释dress rehearsaln.彩排; 变形 复数:dress rehearsals 英英释义 dress rehearsal n.a full uninterrupted rehearsal in costume...
详细解释pink slipn.解雇通知书;英英释义 pink slip n.official notice that you have been fired from your job同义词:dismissaldismi...
详细解释sound effectn.音响效果; 变形 复数:sound effects 英英释义 sound effect n.an effect that imitates a sound called for in ...
详细解释main hall释义[法]正厅;英英释义 Main HallMain hall is the term used in English for the building within a Japanese Buddhi...
详细解释fishing boat释义渔船;英英释义 fishing boat n.a vessel for fishing; often has a well to keep the catch alive同义词:fish...
详细解释media room英英释义 Media roomThe term media room has different meanings depending on context:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释agrarian reform释义土地改革;土改;英英释义 Agrarian reformAgrarian reform can refer either, narrowly, to government-ini...
详细解释tilled land释义耕地;英英释义 tilled land n.arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops同义词:cu...
详细解释fish tankn.鱼缸;英英释义 fish tank n.a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater anim...
详细解释crime rate释义犯罪率;英英释义 crime rate n.the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area; expressed per...
详细解释familiar with释义熟悉的;友好的,过分亲密的;英英释义 familiar with adj.having fair knowledge of同义词:acquainted(p)acq...
详细解释sandglassn.沙漏;英英释义 sandglass[ 'sndl:s, -ls ]n.timepiece in which the passage of time is indicated by the flow of ...
详细解释blood flow释义血流量;英英释义 Blood flowBlood flow is the continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system....
详细解释violent crime释义暴力罪行;英英释义 Violent crimeA violent crime or crime of violence is a crime in which the offender u...
详细解释field work释义田野工作,调查工作;英英释义 field work n.an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a labor...
详细解释charitable organization释义慈善组织;英英释义 Charitable organization[[American Cancer Society offices in Washington, D....