共 116 个单词
雅思单词精简释义相关的的单词有【scoff at】【service industry】【shirttail】【banksia】【ache for】【clary】【bawdry】【debasement】【closestool】【cmyk】【beatrice】【be tough on】【recoat】【lachlan】【tieback】【dextromethorphan】【diapause】【metaldehyde】【posterize】【lay by】【officeholder】【wadding】【leghorn】【energy-efficient】【geomorphology】【geophysicist】【retail industry】【private-equity】【cowgirl】【navigability】【envenom】【arthrosis】【hydrobromide】【varicosity】【superannuation】【supergrass】【swallow-tailed coat】【duotone】【during the week】【due date】等。
service industryn.服务行业; 变形 复数:service industries 英英释义 service industry n.an industry that provides service...
详细解释shirttailn.衬衣下(后)摆,社论栏;adj.幼小的,远房的;英英释义 shirttail[ ':t,teil ]n.a brief addendum at the end of a ...
详细解释banksian.拔克西木属;英英释义 banksia[ 'bksi ]n.any shrub or tree of the genus Banksia having alternate leathery leaves ...
详细解释claryn.鼠尾草属的植物;英英释义 clary[ 'klri ]n.aromatic herb of southern Europe; cultivated in England as a potherb and...
详细解释bawdryn.淫秽;猥亵;私通;卖淫英英释义 bawdry[ 'b:dri ]n.lewd or obscene talk or writing"it was smoking-room bawdry"同义...
详细解释debasementn.降低,改造;英英释义 DebasementDebasement is the formal term for removal of a knighthood or other honour. Th...
详细解释cmyk释义用于印刷的四分色(Cyan 青,Magenta 品红,Yellow 黄,blacK 黑);英英释义 CMYKCMYK is the second solo extended play...
详细解释tieback释义用以拉窗帘的带[绳]子,窗帘挂钩,带挂钩的窗帘;英英释义 tieback[ 'taibk ]n.a device (as a decorative loop of c...
详细解释diapausen.滞育(昆虫生长的停滞期),间歇期;英英释义 DiapauseDiapause, when referencing animal dormancy, is the delay in...
详细解释lay by释义储蓄,存留(备将来之用);避车道;支线;搁下英英释义 lay by n.designated paved area beside a main road where c...
详细解释officeholdern.官员; 变形 复数:officeholders 英英释义 officeholder[ 'fis,huld, ':- ]n.someone who is appointed or elect...
详细解释waddingn.软填料,纤维填料,棉胎;皱纸;英英释义 wadding[ 'wdi ]n.any material used especially to protect something同义词...
详细解释leghornn.(意大利地名)里沃纳,来亨鸡,麦秆编制的帽子;英英释义 leghorn[ 'leh:n ]n.a stiff hat made of straw with a flat...
详细解释geomorphologyn.地形学;英英释义 geomorphology[ ,di:um:'fldi ]n.the branch of geology that studies the characteristics an...
详细解释geophysicistn.地球物理学者; 变形 复数:geophysicists 英英释义 geophysicist[ ,di:u'fizisist ]n.a geologist who uses phys...
详细解释private-equityn.私募股权。私募股权(PE)是一种金融工具(FINANCE INSTRUMENT);也是一种投融资后的权益表现形式。与私募股权(PE)...
详细解释navigabilityn.(河、海和船舶等的)适航性;适航性,耐航性;可操纵性;可航性英英释义 navigability[ ,nvi'bilti ]n.the quali...
详细解释envenomv.毒害; 变形 过去式:envenomed过去分词:envenomed现在分词:envenoming第三人称单数:envenoms 英英释义 envenom[ in...
详细解释varicosityn.精索,静脉曲张;英英释义 varicosity[ ,vri'ksti ]n.varix or varicose condition in which a vein is swollen and...
详细解释superannuationn.领养老金退休,退休金;英英释义 superannuation[ 'sju:pr,nju'ein ]n.a monthly payment made to someone who ...
详细解释supergrassn.向警方提供大量罪犯活动情报的人(尤指本人也是罪犯的人); 变形 复数:supergrasses 英英释义 supergrass[ 'sju:p...
详细解释swallow-tailed coatn.燕尾服;英英释义 swallow-tailed coat n.a man's full-dress jacket with two long tapering tails at th...
详细解释duotonen.两色网版的一种;英英释义 DuotoneDuotone is a halftone reproduction of an image using the superimposition of one...