共 179 个单词
银河护卫队相关的的单词有【wear thin】【nookie】【a while back】【terran】【genocidal】【sorcery】【jackass】【wack】【immolation】【chill out】【faithless】【pouty】【goon】【waif】【junker】【yammer】【unfurl】【turd】【knapsack】【kern】【inbound】【thorax】【pelvic】【ark】【hadron】【confidentiality】【carcass】【prosthetic】【ingot】【bring down】【scum】【thesaurus】【slather】【maniac】【expunge】【minutiae】【humanoid】【vermin】【booty】【creepy】等。
wear thinv.逐渐消失;英英释义 wear thin v.deteriorate through use or stress同义词:wearwear offwear outwear down
详细解释nookien.性交,交配,性交时的女性;adj.多角隅的;英英释义 nookie[ 'nuki ]n.slang for sexual intercourse同义词:fuckfuckin...
详细解释sorceryn.巫术,魔术;魅力;魔法;妖术英英释义 sorcery[ 's:sri ]n.the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces...
详细解释jackassn.公驴,愚人,傻子;英英释义 jackass[ 'dks ]n.a man who is a stupid incompetent fool同义词:fatheadgoofgoofballbo...
详细解释immolationn.供奉牲礼,牺牲,祭品;英英释义 immolation[ ,imu'lein ]n.killing or offering as a sacrifice
详细解释chill out释义冷静点=calm down;冷静下来;别紧张;放松一下。英英释义 chill out v.become quiet or calm, especially after a...
详细解释faithlessadj.不忠实的,不守信用的,背信弃义的;英英释义 faithless[ 'feilis ]adj.having the character of, or characterist...
详细解释goonn.受雇暴徒,呆子,愚笨者; 变形 复数:goons 英英释义 goon[ u:n ]n.an awkward stupid person同义词:loutclodstumblebum...
详细解释junkern.吸食麻药者,破汽车;英英释义 junker[ 'juk, 'dk ]n.member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for milita...
详细解释turdn.粪,可鄙的人; 变形 复数:turds 英英释义 turd[ t:d ]n.obscene terms for feces同义词:crapdirtshitshitepoop
详细解释knapsackn.(士兵或旅行者的)背包; 变形 复数:knapsacks 英英释义 knapsack[ 'npsk ]n.a bag carried by a strap on your bac...
详细解释inboundadj.回内地的;归本国的;到达的;入境的英英释义 inbound[ 'inbaund ]adj.directed or moving inward or toward a cente...
详细解释thoraxn.胸,(昆虫的)胸部; 变形 复数:thoracesthoraxes 英英释义 thorax[ ':rks, 'u- ]n.the middle region of the body of...
详细解释pelvicadj.骨盆的,关于骨盆的;英英释义 pelvic[ 'pelvik ]adj.of or relating to the pelvis"pelvic exam"; "pelvic inflammat...
详细解释arkn.[圣]方舟;[圣]约柜;平底船;避难所英英释义 ark[ :k ]n.(Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two...
详细解释hadronn.强子;英英释义 hadron[ 'hdrn ]n.any elementary particle that interacts strongly with other particles
详细解释confidentialityn.机密性;英英释义 confidentiality[ ,knfi,deni'liti ]n.the state of being secret"you must respect the con...
详细解释prostheticadj.义肢的,假体的;英英释义 prosthetic[ prs'etik ]adj.of or relating to prostheticsrelating to or serving as ...
详细解释ingotn.(常为砖形的)铸块,锭; 变形 复数:ingots 英英释义 ingot[ 'it ]n.metal that is cast in the shape of a block for ...
详细解释thesaurusn.同义词词典;分类词典;百科全书; 变形 复数:thesauruses 英英释义 thesaurus[ i's:rs ]n.a book containing a cla...
详细解释slathervt.大量地用,厚厚地涂; 变形 过去式:slathered过去分词:slathered现在分词:slathering第三人称单数:slathers 英英释...
详细解释maniacn.疯子;癖好者;狂人;躁狂者adj.发狂的;狂热的;疯狂的; 变形 复数:maniacs 英英释义 maniac[ 'meinik ]n.an insane ...
详细解释minutiaen.微小的细节,细枝末节;(常复数)细节,小事( minutia的名词复数 );英英释义 MinutiaeMinutiae (; singular minutia...
详细解释humanoidadj.有人的特点的;人形机;英英释义 humanoid[ 'hju:mnid ]n.an automaton that resembles a human being同义词:andro...
详细解释verminn.害兽及害鸟;害虫;危害社会或他人的人;歹徒 变形 复数:vermin 英英释义 vermin[ 'v:min ]n.an irritating or obnoxio...
详细解释bootyn.战利品;获得之物;赃物;臀部英英释义 booty[ 'bu:ti ]n.goods or money obtained illegally同义词:lootpillageplunder...