共 55 个单词
金融工程常用词汇相关的的单词有【financial intermediary】【hurdle rate】【final account】【long position】【cml】【strike price】【fixed income】【floating charge】【currency swap】【forward contract】【AFC】【put option】【reference point】【capital turnover】【FIFO】【delivery price】【liquid assets】【bill payable】【treasurership】【market maker】【breakeven point】【fixed asset】【loanable】【right issue】【Hedge ratio】【call option】【short position】【ordinary shares】【sole trader】【opportunity cost】【lifo】【npv】【OTC】【fair value】【MVP】【sunk cost】【private equity】【net assets】【gross margin】【mortgage bond】等。
financial intermediary释义金融中介机构,金融中介;英英释义 Financial intermediaryA financial intermediary is a financial...
详细解释hurdle rate释义(投资预算)最低预期资本回收率;英英释义 Hurdle rateHurdle rate may refer to以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释strike price释义预购价格;英英释义 Strike priceIn finance, the strike price (or exercise price) of an option is the fixe...
详细解释fixed income释义固定收入;英英释义 fixed income adj.(financial) of investments that pay a constant rate of return同义词:...
详细解释floating charge释义不固定抵押;英英释义 Floating chargeA floating charge is a security interest over a fund of changing ...
详细解释forward contract释义期货合同[契约];英英释义 Forward contractIn finance, a forward contract or simply a forward is a non...
详细解释AFCabbr.antibody forming cells 抗体形成细胞;automatic frequency control 自动频率控制;自动频率微调;average fixed cost ...
详细解释put option释义卖出选择权,售卖选择权;英英释义 put option n.an option to sellthe option to sell a given stock (or stock ...
详细解释reference pointn.参考点,控制点;英英释义 reference point n.an indicator that orients you generally同义词:point of refe...
详细解释FIFOabbr.First-In First-Out 先入先出(法);英英释义 FIFO[ 'faifu ]n.inventory accounting in which the oldest items (tho...
详细解释liquid assets释义流动资产;英英释义 liquid assets n.assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash)同义词:...
详细解释fixed assetn.[经] 固定资产; 变形 复数:fixed assets 英英释义 Fixed assetFixed assets, also known as a liability or as p...
详细解释call option释义购买选择权;英英释义 call option n.an option to buythe option to buy a given stock (or stock index or com...
详细解释ordinary shares释义普通股;英英释义 ordinary shares n.stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of...
详细解释opportunity cost释义机会成本;英英释义 opportunity cost n.cost in terms of foregone alternatives
详细解释lifo释义后进先出;英英释义 lifo[ 'lai,fu ]n.inventory accounting in which the most recently acquired items are assumed t...
详细解释npvabbr.net present value 净现值;nuclear polyhedrosis virus 核多面体病病毒;negative predictive value 阴性预测值;no pa...
详细解释OTCabbr.objective, time, and cost 目标;ocean transshipment cargo 海洋运输货物;one-stop charter 单停出租;over the coun...
详细解释fair value释义公平价值;英英释义 Fair valueIn accounting and economics, fair value is a rational and unbiased estimate o...
详细解释MVPabbr.mitral valve prolapse 二尖瓣脱垂;maximum-value package 极值包裹;most valuable performance 最佳演出;millivolt ...
详细解释private equity释义私募股权;私人股本;英英释义 Private equityIn finance, private equity is an asset class consisting of ...
详细解释gross margin释义总利润,(销货)毛利;英英释义 gross margin n.the ratio gross profits divided by net sales同义词:margin...
详细解释mortgage bond释义抵押债券;英英释义 Mortgage bondA mortgage bond is a bond backed by a pool of mortgages on a real estat...