共 46 个单词
deaeratevt.使除去空气,从(液体)中除去气泡;英英释义 deaerate[ di:'reit ]v.remove air or gas from同义词:de-aerate
详细解释maladjustedadj.失调的,不适应环境的;英英释义 maladjusted[ 'ml'dstid ]adj.poorly adjusted to demands and stresses of dai...
详细解释finnedadj.有鳍的,有鳍状物的;英英释义 fin[ find ]n.the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one同义词:five5Vcin...
详细解释encrustationn.结壳;用覆盖物;镶嵌;硬壳 变形 复数:encrustations 英英释义 encrustation[ in,krs'tein ]n.the formation of...
详细解释freeboardn.干舷;净空;超高;英英释义 FreeboardA freeboard is a specialist skateboard designed to closely simulate the b...
详细解释luffv.转舵; 变形 过去式:luffed过去分词:luffed现在分词:luffing第三人称单数:luffs 英英释义 luff[ lf ]n.(nautical) the...
详细解释depressurizevt.使减压,使降压;英英释义 depressurize[ di:'preraiz ]v.decrease the pressure of"depressurize the cabin in ...
详细解释hemisphericaladj.半球的,半球状的;英英释义 hemispherical[ ,hemi'sferikl ]adj.of or relating to or being a hemisphere
详细解释embrittlev.使变脆; 变形 过去式:embrittled过去分词:embrittled现在分词:embrittling第三人称单数:embrittles 英英释义 em...
详细解释edgewiseadv.把刀口朝前地;沿边;英英释义 edgewise[ 'edweiz,-waiz ]adv.with the edge forward or on, by, or toward the edg...
详细解释inductorn.圣职授予的人,授职的人,感应器;诱体;感应体;英英释义 inductor[ in'dkt ]n.an electrical device (typically a c...
详细解释corrugationn.皱;车辙;畦;沟英英释义 corrugation[ ,k:ru'ein ]n.a ridge on a corrugated surfacethe act of shaping into p...
详细解释dunnagen.手提物品,日常用品;英英释义 DunnageDunnage is a term with a variety of related meanings. Typically dunnage is ...
详细解释entablaturen.(古典建筑的)柱上楣构,檐部;英英释义 entablature[ en'tblt ]n.(architecture) the structure consisting of t...
详细解释vizadv.即,就是;英英释义 VizViz is a popular British comic magazine which has been running since 1979.以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释inboardadj.舷内的;adv.在向内,在船内;英英释义 inboard[ 'inb:d ]adj.located within the hull or nearest the midline of a...
详细解释tappetn.梃杆,凸子;挺杆;英英释义 tappet[ 'tpit ]n.a lever that is moved in order to tap something else
详细解释ullagen.不足量,损耗;罐空;漏损;途耗英英释义 ullage[ 'lid ]n.the amount that a container (as a wine bottle or tank) la...
详细解释pawln.棘爪,制转杆;vt.用制转杆使停转;英英释义 pawl[ p:l ]n.a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move ...
详细解释poppetn.提升阀,乖孩子;垫架;英英释义 poppet[ 'ppit ]n.a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicular from its seat; ...
详细解释desiccantn.干燥剂;英英释义 desiccant[ 'desiknt ]n.a substance that promotes drying (e.g., calcium oxide absorbs water a...
详细解释reconditionvt.修理,修复,修补翻新; 变形 过去式:reconditioned过去分词:reconditioned现在分词:reconditioning第三人称单...
详细解释commutationn.交换;折算;折合;减刑英英释义 commutation[ ,kmju:'tejn ]n.the travel of a commuter同义词:commutinga warra...
详细解释voluten.涡形,涡形花样,涡螺;adj.向上卷的,涡形的,螺旋形的;英英释义 volute[ v'lju:t ]n.ornament consisting of a curve...
详细解释greyishadj.带灰的,略灰的;英英释义 greyish[ 'reii ]adj.of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the...
详细解释superchargevt.对…增压; 变形 过去式:supercharged过去分词:supercharged现在分词:supercharging第三人称单数:supercharge...
详细解释inoperativeadj.不起作用的,无效的;英英释义 inoperative[ in'prtiv ]adj.not operating"an inoperative law"
详细解释endwiseadj.末端朝前或向上的,向前的;纵向;英英释义 endwise[ 'endweiz,-waiz ]adv.on end or upright同义词:endwaysin or t...
详细解释forecastlen.前甲板,船头的船楼,前甲板下面的水手舱; 变形 复数:forecastles 英英释义 forecastle[ 'fuksl ]n.living quarte...
详细解释windlassn.卷扬机,辘轳,绞盘;vt.&vi.用绞盘吊起; 变形 复数:windlasses过去式:windlassed过去分词:windlassed现在分词:w...