共 66 个单词
语言学入门专业词汇相关的的单词有【function word】【homonymic】【verb phrase】【plosive】【diglossia】【wave theory】【sociolinguistics】【isogloss】【auxiliary verb】【suprasegmental】【cardinal vowel】【lenition】【ablaut】【phonemic】【lexeme】【syllabic】【polysemy】【palatalization】【deixis】【loan translation】【loanword】【code-switching】【clitic】【tone language】【allograph】【agglutinative】【content word】【metanalysis】【noun phrase】【suppletion】【word class】【alveolar ridge】【velum】【collocation】【apocope】【homograph】【calque】【voiced】【pidgin】【voiceless】等。
function word释义功能词(指前置词,连词等);虚字眼儿;虚字;英英释义 function word n.a word that is uninflected and ser...
详细解释homonymicadj.同音异义字的,同名的;谐音;英英释义 homonymic[ ,hm'nimik ]adj.of or related to or being homonyms同义词:ho...
详细解释verb phrase释义动词短语;英英释义 verb phrase n.one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains t...
详细解释plosiven.爆破音;adj.爆破音的;英英释义 plosive[ 'plusiv ]n.a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some poi...
详细解释wave theoryn.波动说;英英释义 wave theory n.(physics) the theory that light is transmitted as waves同义词:undulatory th...
详细解释sociolinguisticsn.社会语言学;英英释义 sociolinguistics[ ,susiuli'wistiks, -i- ]n.the study of language in relation to i...
详细解释isoglossn.同言线(语言地图上标示不同语言特点的区域线);同语线;英英释义 IsoglossIsoglosses on the [[Faroe Islands]]以上...
详细解释auxiliary verbn.助动词;英英释义 auxiliary verb n.a word used in a verb phrase as an adjunct to another verb
详细解释suprasegmentaladj.超切分的,超音段的;n.超切分(或音段)特征,上缀;英英释义 suprasegmental[ ,sju:prse'mentl ]adj.pertai...
详细解释lenitionn.辅音的减弱;英英释义 LenitionIn linguistics, lenition is a kind of sound change that alters consonants, making...
详细解释ablautn.元音变换;英英释义 ablaut[ 'blaut ]n.a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distincti...
详细解释phonemicadj.音素的,音位的;英英释义 phonemic[ fu'ni:mik ]adj.of or relating to phonemes of a particular language"phonem...
详细解释lexemen.词位,词的单位;英英释义 lexeme[ 'leksi:m ]n.a minimal unit (as a word or stem) in the lexicon of a language; `g...
详细解释syllabicadj.(构成)音节的;英英释义 syllabic[ si'lbik ]adj.of or relating to syllables"syllabic accent"; "syllabic char...
详细解释polysemyn.意义的分歧;多义性;一词多义;英英释义 polysemy[ ,pli'si:mi, p'lismi, 'plisi:mi ]n.the ambiguity of an individ...
详细解释palatalizationn.腭音化;英英释义 PalatalizationIn linguistics, palatalization , also palatization, may refer to two diff...
详细解释deixisn.(定冠词、指示代词等的)指示功能,直示(系统);英英释义 deixis[ 'daiksis ]n.the function of pointing or specify...
详细解释loan translationn.直译语;英英释义 loan translation n.an expression introduced into one language by translating it from ...
详细解释loanwordn.外来词,借用词;英英释义 loanword[ 'lunw:d ]n.a word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz' is a German ...
详细解释code-switchingn.代码转换;英英释义 Code-switchingIn linguistics, code-switching is switching between two or more languag...
详细解释cliticn.附着词素;英英释义 CliticIn morphology and syntax, a clitic is a morpheme that has syntactic characteristics of ...
详细解释tone languagen.声调语言;英英释义 tone language n.a language in which different tones distinguish different meanings同义...
详细解释allographn.代书,代签名,异形字;英英释义 allograph[ 'lur:f, -rf ]n.a variant form of a grapheme, as `m' or `M' or a han...
详细解释agglutinativeadj.会胶合的,会粘着的,胶合性的;英英释义 agglutinative[ 'lu:tintiv ]adj.forming derivative or compound wo...
详细解释content word释义实义词;英英释义 content word n.a word to which an independent meaning can be assigned同义词:open-class...
详细解释noun phrase释义名词短语;英英释义 noun phrase n.a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb同义词:nom...
详细解释suppletionn.补充,增补,异干互补;英英释义 SuppletionIn linguistics and etymology, suppletion is traditionally understoo...
详细解释word classn.词类,字类; 变形 复数:word classes 英英释义 word class n.one of the traditional categories of words intend...
详细解释alveolar ridge释义牙槽嵴;英英释义 alveolar ridge n.a ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and conta...
详细解释velumn.膜,缘膜,菌幕; 变形 复数:vela 英英释义 velum[ 'vi:lm ]n.membrane of the young sporophore of various mushrooms ...
详细解释collocationn.排列,配置,词的搭配; 变形 复数:collocations 英英释义 collocation[ ,klu'kein ]n.a grouping of words in a ...
详细解释apocopen.字尾音消失;英英释义 apocope[ 'pkupi ]n.abbreviation of a word by omitting the final sound or sounds"the Britis...
详细解释homographn.同形异义词;英英释义 homograph[ 'hmur:f, -rf ]n.two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but...
详细解释voicedadj.有声的,浊音的;带声;英英释义 voiced[ vist ]adj.produced with vibration of the vocal cords"a frequently voice...
详细解释pidginn.(在贸易或交往中形成的不同语种的)混杂语言,事务;英英释义 pidgin[ 'pidin ]n.an artificial language used for tra...