共 282 个单词
要背就背有用的单词相关的的单词有【secateurs】【part of speech】【abracadabra】【sixth sense】【smoke alarm】【phone call】【baseball cap】【taste buds】【telegraph pole】【clothes horse】【maternity ward】【false tooth】【ear-splitting】【best friend】【through train】【plughole】【fancy dress】【feel sick】【ticket office】【potholing】【landing card】【landmass】【residential district】【en suite】【on line】【hot water】【housewarming party】【sunhat】【sympathize with】【dripping wet】【proper noun】【out of fashion】【cratch】【front teeth】【lose consciousness】【escape chute】【building site】【graffito】【quotation marks】【lying down】等。
secateursn.整枝剪,修枝剪;英英释义 secateurs[ ,sek't:z, 'sektz ]n.small pruning shears with a spring that holds the han...
详细解释part of speechn.词性,词类; 变形 复数:parts of speech 英英释义 part of speech n.one of the traditional categories of w...
详细解释abracadabraint.咒语;无稽之谈;(魔术师表演时的)念词;高级特技飞行英英释义 abracadabra[ ,brk'dbr ]n.gibberish and nonse...
详细解释sixth sensen.第六感,直觉;英英释义 sixth sense n.grasping the inner nature of things intuitively同义词:insight
详细解释smoke alarmn.烟雾警报器; 变形 复数:smoke alarms 英英释义 smoke alarm n.an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke同...
详细解释phone calln.电话; 变形 复数:phone calls 英英释义 phone call n.a telephone connection同义词:calltelephone call
详细解释taste budsn.味蕾( taste bud的名词复数 );英英释义 taste bud n.an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue同义...
详细解释telegraph polen.电线杆; 变形 复数:telegraph poles 英英释义 telegraph pole n.tall pole supporting telephone wires同义词...
详细解释clothes horsen.晒衣架; 变形 复数:clothes horses 英英释义 clothes horse [ 'kluz,h:s ]n.a framework on which to hang clo...
详细解释maternity ward释义(医院里的)产科病房,产房;英英释义 maternity ward n.a hospital ward that provides care for women dur...
详细解释ear-splittingadj.震耳欲聋的,非常响的;英英释义 ear-splittingadj.loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss同义词:de...
详细解释plugholen.插孔,(压载水柜)放水孔,密封采空区的密封孔道; 变形 复数:plugholes 英英释义 plughole[ 'plhul ]n.a hole into...
详细解释fancy dressn.化装舞会所穿着的服装;英英释义 fancy dress n.a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party同义词:masq...
详细解释ticket officen.票房,售票处;英英释义 ticket office n.the office where tickets of admission are sold同义词:box officeti...
详细解释potholingn.探勘地上坑洞(运动);挖洞;挖坑;英英释义 pothole[ 'pt,huli ]n.a pit or hole produced by wear or weathering ...
详细解释residential district释义居住区;街道;英英释义 residential district n.a district where people live; occupied primarily b...
详细解释on line释义[经] (与主机)联机,在线,机内;联线;英英释义 on line adj.on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airlin...
详细解释housewarming party英英释义 Housewarming partyA housewarming party is a party held within approximately 180 days of movin...
详细解释sunhat释义遮阳帽;英英释义 sunhat[ 'snht ]n.a hat with a broad brim that protects the face from direct exposure to the s...
详细解释sympathize with释义同情,支持;惋惜;矜;英英释义 sympathize with v.share the suffering of同义词:feel forpitycompassion...
详细解释proper nounn.专有名词; 变形 复数:proper nouns 英英释义 proper noun n.a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually c...
详细解释front teeth释义前牙;英英释义 front tooth n.a tooth situated at the front of the mouth同义词:anterior
详细解释escape chute释义[体]应急伞;英英释义 Escape chuteA demonstration of a fire escape [[chute on the streets of Daegu, South...
详细解释building siten.建筑工地; 变形 复数:building sites 英英释义 building site n.a lot on which there are no permanent build...
详细解释graffiton.乱画,粗糙雕刻; 变形 复数:graffiti 英英释义 graffito[ r'fi:tu ]n.a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or wal...