共 64 个单词
行为医学与医学伦理百歌医学单词USMLE相关的的单词有【ratio reinforcement schedule】【hard liquor】【implied consent】【advance directive】【fl oz】【stranger anxiety】【JCIA】【sexual deviant】【managed care】【on-call】【table wine】【small bowel】【chief complaint】【Good Samaritan law】【health maintainance organization】【malt liquor】【non-compliance】【interval reinforcement schedule】【separation anxiety】【work-up】【do not resuscitate】【Moro reflex】【nephrotic】【parallel play】【aversive】【religious belief】【sexually transmitted disease】【cellulitis】【coronary care unit】【waived】【emancipated minor】【funeral director】【power of attorney】【juvenile diabetes】【maleficence】【malpractice suit】【emergency detention】【therapeutic privilage】【feeding tube】【cortical death】等。
hard liquorn.烈性酒,烈性利口酒;英英释义 hard liquor n.an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented同义...
详细解释implied consent释义默示同意;英英释义 Implied consentImplied consent is consent which is not expressly granted by a pers...
详细解释stranger anxiety释义陌生人焦虑;英英释义 Stranger anxietyStranger anxiety is a form of distress that children experience...
详细解释JCIAabbr.Japan Camera Industry Association 日本摄影业协会;Japan Chemical Industry Association 日本化工业协会;Japan Che...
详细解释managed care释义[医]管理式医疗,管理型保健;英英释义 Managed careThe term managed care or managed health care is used in...
详细解释table winen.进餐时喝的淡酒; 变形 复数:table wines 英英释义 table wine n.wine containing not more than 14 percent alcoh...
详细解释Good Samaritan law英英释义 Good Samaritan lawGood Samaritan laws are laws or acts offering legal protection to people wh...
详细解释malt liquorn.麦芽酒;英英释义 malt liquor n.a lager of high alcohol content; by law it is considered too alcoholic to be...
详细解释non-compliancen.(对命令、规章等的)不服从;英英释义 non-compliance[ ,nnkm'plains ]n.the failure to obey同义词:disobedi...
详细解释separation anxiety释义分离焦虑;英英释义 Separation anxietySeparation anxiety disorder is a psychological condition in w...
详细解释work-upn.病情的检查, 污迹;英英释义 work-up[ 'w:kp ]v.form or accumulate steadily同义词:build upwork upbuildprogressde...
详细解释do not resuscitate释义[医]不能复苏,未复苏;英英释义 Do Not Resuscitate"Do Not Resuscitate"is the fifteenth episode of t...
详细解释Moro reflex释义莫罗反射,拥抱反射;英英释义 Moro reflex n.a normal reflex of young infants; a sudden loud noise causes t...
详细解释parallel play释义平行游戏;英英释义 Parallel playParallel play is a form of play where children play adjacent to each ot...
详细解释aversiveadj.令人嫌恶的,令人厌恶的;英英释义 aversive[ 'v:siv ]adj.tending to repel or dissuade"aversive conditioning"
详细解释religious belief释义[法] 宗教信仰;英英释义 religious belief n.a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that co...
详细解释sexually transmitted diseasen.性传播(的)疾病(STD);性病;英英释义 sexually transmitted disease n.a communicable infect...
详细解释cellulitisn.蜂窝(组)织炎;英英释义 cellulitis[ ,selju'laitis ]n.an inflammation of body tissue (especially that below ...
详细解释coronary care unit释义冠心病监护治疗病房;英英释义 coronary care unit n.a hospital unit specially staffed and equipped t...
详细解释waivedv.宣布放弃( waive的过去式和过去分词 );搁置;推迟;放弃(权利、要求等)英英释义 waivev.do without or cease to hold...
详细解释funeral directorn.丧葬承办人; 变形 复数:funeral directors 英英释义 funeral director n.one whose business is the manage...
详细解释power of attorneyn.委任书;英英释义 power of attorney n.a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's a...
详细解释juvenile diabetes释义幼年型糖尿病;英英释义 juvenile diabetes n.severe diabetes mellitus with an early onset; characteri...
详细解释maleficencen.罪行,坏事,恶行;英英释义 maleficence[ m'lefisns ]n.doing or causing evilthe quality or nature of being ha...