共 183 个单词
血液系统与免疫学百歌医学单词USMLE相关的的单词有【lepirudin】【systemic lupus erythematosus】【plasma cell】【hypersegmented】【erythroid】【uterine tone】【priapism】【prostacyclin】【supraclavicular】【preeclampsia】【eosinophilia】【prostaglandins】【Antithrombin】【cyclooxygenase】【lipopolysaccharide】【aneuploid】【acetaminophen】【mycoplasma】【folate】【stipple】【folic acid】【peptic ulcer】【biconcave】等。
systemic lupus erythematosus释义系统性红斑狼疮;英英释义 systemic lupus erythematosus n.an inflammatory disease of conne...
详细解释plasma cell释义浆细胞;英英释义 plasma cell n.a cell that develops from a B lymphocyte in reaction to a specific antigen...
详细解释priapismn.阴茎持续勃起症,淫荡行为(表现或态度);英英释义 priapism[ 'praipizm ]n.condition in which the penis is contin...
详细解释preeclampsian.先兆子痫;英英释义 preeclampsia[ ,pri:i'klmpsi: ]n.abnormal state of pregnancy characterized by hypertensi...
详细解释eosinophilian.嗜酸粒细胞增多;英英释义 eosinophilia[ ,i:sin'fili ]n.a symptom of allergic states; increased eosinophils ...
详细解释prostaglandins释义前列腺素类;英英释义 prostaglandinn.a potent substance that acts like a hormone and is found in many b...
详细解释Antithrombinn.抗凝血酶;英英释义 AntithrombinAntithrombin (AT) is a small protein molecule that inactivates several enzy...
详细解释cyclooxygenase释义[医]环氧合酶;英英释义 cyclooxygenase[ ,saiklu'ksidineis ]n.either of two related enzymes that control...
详细解释lipopolysacchariden.脂多糖;英英释义 LipopolysaccharideStructure of a lipopolysaccharide以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释aneuploidadj.非整倍的;n.非整倍体;英英释义 aneuploid[ 'njuplid ]adj.having a chromosome number that is not an exact mul...
详细解释acetaminophenn.醋氨酚,对乙酰氨基酚,退热净(一种替代阿司匹林的解热镇痛药);扑热息痛;英英释义 acetaminophen[ ,st'minfn...
详细解释mycoplasman.支原体,支原菌; 变形 复数:mycoplasmas 英英释义 mycoplasma[ ,maiku'plzm ]n.any of a group of small parasiti...
详细解释folaten.叶酸;英英释义 folate[ 'fuleit ]n.a B vitamin that is essential for cell growth and reproduction同义词:vitamin ...
详细解释folic acidn.叶酸,维生素B;福怀特;维生素BC;英英释义 folic acid [ 'fulik ]n.a B vitamin that is essential for cell grow...
详细解释peptic ulcern.胃溃疡; 变形 复数:peptic ulcers 英英释义 peptic ulcer n.an ulcer of the mucous membrane lining of the al...