共 17 个单词
英语-六年级下册三年级起点-苏教版-译林出版社相关的的单词有【put in order】【taipei】【world cup】【summer holiday】【travel around the world】【the next day】【tower bridge】【just then】【Great Barrier Reef】【cheer for】【macau】【some day】【from then on】【Niagara Falls】【pour into】【Grand CANYON】【go back to】等。
taipein.(=Taibei)台北(在中国台湾省);英英释义 taipei[ 'tai'pei; -'bei ]n.the capital of Nationalist China; located in ...
详细解释summer holiday释义[电影]欢乐暑假;英英释义 Summer HolidaySummer Holiday (夏日的麼麼茶) is a Hong Kong film released in 2...
详细解释Great Barrier Reefn.大堡礁;[电影]IMAX套装大堡礁;英英释义 Great Barrier Reef n.the largest coral reef in the world; in ...
详细解释macaun.澳门;英英释义 macau[ m'kau ]n.a former Portuguese province on the south coast of China and two islands in the So...
详细解释some dayadv.有一天,某一天;改天,他日;明儿;有朝一日英英释义 some day adv.some unspecified time in the future同义词:s...
详细解释Grand CANYONn.(美)大峡谷;英英释义 Grand CANYON n.the enormous gorge of the Colorado River in northern Arizona