共 26 个单词
英语译林牛津版九年级上册相关的的单词有【think twice about】【have difficulty doing something】【green with envy】【connect to】【on someone's mind】【art form】【African American】【in your dreams】【junior high】【don't mention it】【music video】【senior high】【go into hiding】【play the role of】【in prison】【keep something in order】【action film】【change someone's mind】【such that】【dividing line】【well-paid】【take the lead】【catch someone's attention】【drive someone mad】【sales department】【have a gift for】等。
art formn.艺术形式; 变形 复数:art forms 英英释义 art form n.(architecture) a form of artistic expression (such as writ...
详细解释African American释义(非洲裔)美国黑人;英英释义 African American n.an American whose ancestors were born in Africa同义词...
详细解释in your dreams释义[用于口语]梦中才有的;英英释义 In Your DreamsIn Your Dreams is a fantasy novel by the British novelist...
详细解释junior highn.初中; 变形 复数:junior highs 英英释义 junior high n.a secondary school usually including 7th and 8th grad...
详细解释music video释义音乐影片;英英释义 Music videoA music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery,...
详细解释senior high英英释义 senior high n.a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12同义词:senior high sch...
详细解释dividing linen.分界线,分箱线,中和线; 变形 复数:dividing lines 英英释义 dividing line n.a conceptual separation or di...
详细解释take the lead释义占主要地位, 领先, 带头;一马当先;牵头;打头英英释义 Take the Lead"Take the Lead"is the third episode...
详细解释sales departmentn.贩卖部,营业部;英英释义 sales department n.the division of a business that is responsible for selling...