共 91 个单词
英语译林牛津版七-九年级相关的的单词有【give someone a helping hand】【go to hospital】【in prison】【after class】【dream about】【be crazy about】【help someone with something】【bird-watching】【keep something in order】【north-west】【south-west】【DIY】【up to standard】【one-to-one】【borrow from】【by ship】【so much for】【action film】【at a speed of】【at the foot of】【believe it or not】【such that】【dividing line】【work of art】【in the form of】【keep secret】【fit for】【football field】【home page】【in all directions】【mistake for】【exchange student】【well-paid】【hair clip】【in class】【giant panda】【at birth】【half-time】【north-east】【word processing】等。
north-westn.西北; 双语释义n.(名词)[S]西北方 the direction which is half-way between north and westadj.(形容词)西北的,向...
详细解释south-westn.西南;西南方;西南部;西南风英英释义 south-westn.the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 deg...
详细解释one-to-oneadj.一对一的;一一对应的;英英释义 one-to-one[ 'wnt'wn ]adj.used of relations such that each member of one set...
详细解释believe it or not释义信不信由你;英英释义 Believe It or NotBelieve it or Not is the title of the fourth and final album ...
详细解释dividing linen.分界线,分箱线,中和线; 变形 复数:dividing lines 英英释义 dividing line n.a conceptual separation or di...
详细解释work of artn.艺术作品; 变形 复数:works of art 英英释义 work of art n.art that is a product of one of the fine arts (es...
详细解释football fieldn.[体]足球场;英英释义 football field n.the playing field on which football is played同义词:gridiron
详细解释home pagen.主页; 变形 复数:home pages 英英释义 home page n.the opening page of a web site同义词:homepage
详细解释giant pandan.大猫熊,大熊猫;英英释义 giant panda n.large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China ...
详细解释half-timen.中场休息时间;半工半薪;半衰期;英英释义 half-time[ 'hf,taim ]n.an intermission between the first and second ...
详细解释north-eastn.东北方; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]东北,东北方向 the direction which is half-way between north and east[S]东北部 th...
详细解释word processingn.字处理;英英释义 word processing n.rapid and efficient processing (storage and printing) of linguistic ...